Feb 28, 2010 01:31
I'm steadily losing points in Round 2. My bracket has made an error in every division here so far. I felt good about predicting Ike/Zidane correctly but that went away when I lost points on out-of-nowhere upsets like Vivi/Altair and Ryu Hayabusa/Master Chief.
Before those losses, near the start of R2, I was actually close to the leaderboard. I would have been in the top 50 if I hadn't made my Nathan Drake to R3 prediction. I didn't discover until well after Drake/Boss that Drake wasn't a contest newcomer. He had been in the 2008 Contest and had bombed out so fast I didn't remember him. I decided to trust what I thought was a newcomer with a number two seed and a game that won tons of awards but if I'd remembered his dismal 2008 performance no amount of awards or high seeding would have made me trust him.
Kefka did pretty good for himself this year. Maybe he just fares worse in fourway contests but going from a famous recurring disappointment to 40% on Bowser is the best he's done in a long time.
Heart Division R3 (Sora v Bowser v L-Block v Charizard) is shaping up to be a contest highlight.
Halfway through R2;
Score: 82/96
Percentile: 98.0992
final fantasy