Can you spell DOUCHEEEE

Feb 01, 2006 21:28

Okay. Time for another of Tricia's rants. Today's rant is about my math class, popped collars, compliments, and Jimbo the king of all douchbags.

So I was sitting in math class TRYING to learn, though it's pretty hard with a teacher as dumb as mine and a class full of idiots who can't understand inverse angles and tangents are because they're all dumbasses. Anyway I was TRYING to learn stuff we already knew from my bitch of a teacher when I realized the disgusting crap that is Gaetan sitting in front of me had his collar popped. For the rest of the class I thought 'Gaetan is such a douche. Popped collars are uglier than emo' (see previous entry). Why in hell would you pop your collar. It's vampiric, but now it's 'trendy and preppy'. Like abercrombie and I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. The only person I know that can pull off a popped collar is Brenton. Jimbo (king of all douchebags) pops his collar. Of course he pops his collar. But you know what? That's the only thing he's ever going to pop if you get what I'm saying. Jimbo once said during math "can you turn the lights on Mr. Kaseman? I think I need light to learn." what the hell are you Jimbo? A plant. Shut the fuck up. Honestly. I hate Jimbo. Last year he got Ben Dancey in trouble because HE stold Ben Dancy's glasses. How the fuck did Ben Dancy get in trouble when Jimbo stole the glasses. What a douche.

Okay so I said I was going to bitch about compliments and now I am. Why can't a person of one sex give a person of the opposite sex a compliment without everyone being like 'ooo you like him!'. No I don't you fucking assface. Shut your fuck hole. I said he had nice eyes/hair/pants. That's exactly what I meant. I did not say he was hot/compliment his ass/penis. No. Just shut your face. Of course there ARE times when you might compliment someone you like/have a crush on because you want to talk to them. I.E. today in the hall I was trying to compliment Gimpy (a.k.a. Corey Sechrist) and I was going to say 'hey nice pants'. They were nice pants by the way. But I just managed a barely audible 'hey' followed by "ergggguckkkkleifjidsofjdis...pants". Which goes to show I am a dumbass over guys that play bass.

Etc. Etc. Rant Rant Rant. I hate the world. I was much angrier about this this morning when I was staring at douchbag Gaetan Foos. On my data match he was my opposite. We have a 3% compatability rating. Imagine that. All this time I thought we were meant for each other. What a shame.
Oh, let me tell you about Josh Bellas because I hate him too. He always talks around me to Gaetan. He saw the 'Matchbook Romance' sticker on my bag and was like "Ohh duhhhhhh you listen to Matchbook? duhhh" because that's how he talks. I replied with a nice 'shut your fuck hole you assface' glare and turned back around in my seat. No I don't listen to Matchbook Romance. I just put their sticker on my bag because it's plain, boring design was appealing to me. Shut your fuck hole Josh.

In other news, Shut Your Fuck Hole is my new phrase. I encourage you all to shut your fuck holes if you've got something shit to say about this post.

The end.
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