okay so I just realized there's something else (believe it or not) that I hate besides Ugg Boots, Trends, Panic! At the Disco, and Corey (among other things). I hate 'emo' and I hate 'emo pictures'. First of all, emo is short for EMOTIONAL. every fucking human being is emotional stop acting 'emo' by sitting and acting depressed, stop chopping your hair off because everyone else is, and stop whining about problems that don't exist. The other day at the mall I saw a whole pack of these so called 'emo's. They all had the EXACT same haircut. You know the one I'm talking about right? It's hacked off in back like someone took a lawn mower to it and in front it kind of either sweeps in front of their eyes or hangs on both sides of their face. They all had their hair like that and they all had dyed black hair, except for one 'rebel', oo yes, what a rebel, that had dyed orange hair instead. you know what else they do? they cake on fifty pounds of make up so that when they sob their eyes out because they wish they had real problems, it won't go running. No no, all the makeup just clots on their eyes instead. These kids we saw at the mall, they had to be like thirteen. It's starting young. My God. Why can't people stop following trends? First 'emo' was like totally anarchist, rebelling against society look and now it's become so common. Look at all the fucking myspace pictures because they all seem to be emo. Some guys can pull this look off because it suits them but honestly, how many of them are dressing like that because they want to and how many of them are following a trend? Trends. I hate them. People are constantly conforming to them. This 'emo' thing is really PISSING ME OFF. I hate the pictures where these girls (hair chopped 'emo' style) pucker up their lips and twist their faces like they're making an attractive face. Okay, go up to someone and do that and see if they don't slap you in the face and tell you you're uglier than their pet pitbull. Please.
I hate 'emo', I hate labels, and I am a hypocrite, no need to tell me. The end.
I made that because I was pissed but I still stand by it.
seriously now. the end.