Whatever you wanna do, baby - just don't stop!

Sep 20, 2009 21:23

There's a differnce between good actors, actors you're a fan of and the ones that make a movie/tv show worth watching, even if it has the most riddiculous plot and the rest of the cast is bullshit...
And here they are: My top 13, plus wild card and additional: the Jeenifer Anistons of the movie industry. One repeating character, over and over again, but so awesome, you'd watch them anyway.

The Shakespeare Girl: Julia Stiles

She's a little like Kate Hudson, if you make her the protagonist. Charming, sunny, vivacious. What makes her better than Kate is that girl can act, and very well, too. She got a lot of really flat roles (Yea, I watched "The Prince&me", it was a very bad movie, but she was very entertaining in it anyway!), a lot of easy characters, but deeper ones too, like in the "Bourne Ultimatum" and "Hamlet" & "O". And no matter what she did, I loved her in every single movie, from "Save the last dance" to "10 Things I hate about you" and "Mona Lisa Smile"... Julia is just great!

Freakin' fabulous - Nelsan Ellis

You thought he was only fabulous as the funny, cunning, ambitious, gay, talented Lafayette? Well, then you should watch Veronica Mars, Season 3. There is a lot more to him than hiding traumatized from people that transform into Eric Northman!
He plays a college student who publishes a book about his childhood in Namibia, where he was a child soldier and reunites with his Dad. It's very tragic and Nelsan playes this character with an earnest, sad, wonderful attitude. Everything is different than Lafayette: the way he talks, walks, dresses, mimik, his gestures... and when he's just himself he's totally different again.
Now someone who can pull of those two characters HAS TO be immensly talented, so, just keep going Nelsan. You're gonna do great!

How can you not love Maggie Gyllenhaal?

I loved her since  "Mony Lisa Smile". And she's only gotten better. "The Secretary" is Oscar-worthy!
My favourite movie-improvement-idea is to take every role from Zoey "My face is dead" Deschanel and hand them to Maggie. We'd get so many more great movies!

Maybe the best actress evereryl Streep

I always wanted to do a picspam with Miranda Priestly AND Mamma Mia in it!
Meryl Streep is fabulous, no matter which movie of hers you watch! And she changes for every role, shortens, dies her hair, her manner, the way she talks, everything. Meryl might be the best actress I've seen so far.

The voice: Alan Rickman

You remember the time when we thought, the complex, mysterious, annoying, delicously evil, brilliant love-to-hate-him character Severus Snape would just be a mean ugly pale guy on screen? And then they cast this guy and fangirls all over the planet went crazy.
I see it. Yeah, he's sixty, no, he wouldn't have been my type thirty years ago, but he's ... Alan Rickman! The man with the most erotic, most masculine voice there is, and he's got a British accent (You know me, I love everyone with an accent form GB!). Also, he's Alan Rickman. Do I have to explain that? Well, you know what I mean...
He pulled off Snape, was lovable as a guy in his midlife-crisis who cheated on his wife, hilarious as the Sheriff of Nottingham and like, everywhere else he ever appeared. I don't even care HOW he manages to play everyone of these characters, as long as he just keeps doin' it!

Heath Ledger: An unfinished life

This picspam seems unfinished to you? Yeah, me too. This guy could've made it. He was unbelievable: hot as hell, cute, talented, and he had the charisma to make us watch "Batman" even me, who can't stand Christian-Boring-All-American-Bale who almost ruined the movie. I loved this guy since "10 things I hate about you" and I loved him in all his films, even the ones I didn't like that much. (I admit it, I was bored during Brokeback Mountain a LOT. It was supposed to be so good, but all that was good were the two main actors. The rest made go Zzzzzzzz)
This one was especially hard to make when I included the pic of him and his little girl, who's now a half-orphan. Terrible, and to think he'll never make a movie brilliant with just his smile is sad too!
Rest in peace, Heath.

Helena Bonham Carter

She's brilliant! Turns every scene into hers, like, hell yeah! She's one of the few actresses who could probably play Meryl Streep down, and she's awesome. Her crazy clothing style, the psychopathic roles she played so unbelievable intense...
Could you think of any role she couldn't play? Well, there you go!

Dwayne Cameron: Bring it on!

He's landed a new role in a series about a cult. A schizophrenic, lost young men who tore up his family and is now deep as hell in the claws of the cult... I can't wait to see it!
Baby pulled off psycholigical torture, cute alien, dumber than dumb and sligthly arrogant at it, traumatized soldier, gay in suits, betrayed husband, the naive and kinda passive Casanova Bray and if you have seen his show preview - amazing!
Also, he's best when he plays characters under extreme psychological conditions, so I hope he'll get a lot of intense scenes. And hopefully a love-interest with a very disturbing, but hot chemnistry!

Miriama Smith: The chameleon

Her parade-role might be the ruthless, deliciously evil bed girl, but if I look at her career, she's played like everything! The supporting housewife, the naive believer, the slave-like maid, possessed Highschool principal, crazy Latina, Cleopatra's closest friend...
Her nationality is Half-New-Zealand-Maori, half French, and it's been used a lot. I can hardly count how many different ethnic backgrounds she's had - Inka, Native American, Latina.... and I loved her in everything, hell, I watched the frickin POwer Rangers because she was in it!
Also, she's got the cutest Auckland-accent there is!
Michael "Bully" Herbig

Not only do I watch every movie he's starring in, but every show he visits, every movie, show, series he directs or is somehow involved in. Why? Oh, if you have to ask you've never seen a Bully film. And you should. But make sure to get a well translated one, the English synchros sometimes really really suck!
You'll be pleased to see that there is one man (other then NPH) who can host award and casting shows, be the star of a comedy show, produce great films and additionally be hilarious as Spook, Winnetou (and his gay brother Abahachi. Abahachi is the best!) and empress Sissy (For those of you who don't know the old Romy Schneider films, its empress Elisabeth of Austria).
He's the funniest guy in the showbusiness. EVER!

The One and Only Johnny Depp

I don't have to explain that, now, do I? He's Johnny Depp. Done.

Wildcard: Ralph Fiennes

Now while I do know he's great and hot and a brilliant actor I feel like I haven't seen enough movies with him yet to be a total fan. So... he's in, but I still have to decide where he ranks.

Honorable Mentioning: The anti-chamelions
Jennifer Aniston, Kristen Bell, Adam Brody, Neil Patrick Harris

Now, you know those Jennifer Aniston avtor types who are fucking fabulous in everything but never seem to play a new character? Like Eliza Dushku, only in good. There's Adam Brody, my cutie... hasn't changed a thing from Gilmore Girls to the OC and been Seth Cohen ever since. And Kristen Bell, who is wonderful, a wonderful new Veronica-Mars-version for every TV show or movie she stars in. Or NPH who is divine but actually played himself or his public Barney-influenced image in movies...
And I say: keep it that way, people! You're doing great! Why spoil it? If they haven't changed anything yet, they probably can't pull of a different character or acting style and that's that - sorry to be so harsh, but one's gotta say it.
The exception is Neil. PLEASE choose different roles. Soon. You're talented, we believe in you, just... please? With Kristen I'm trying to save final judgement until she has a role that didn't occur in one of Veronicas little masquerades and schemes but.. it doesn't look like that's gonna happen any time soon.

picspam, himym, veronica mars, true blood, harry potter, the tribe

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