Well that, and the fact that elaborate lies really turn me on!

Sep 23, 2009 19:40



Ok, let's start with... fun stuff TV has taught me this previous week. It's very educational y'all!

American Colleges:
Allow underage drinking on the roof. Somehow, most of the people going there are utterly stupid though. To get into Brown you need the amount of braincells Serena van der Woodsen has (You're not going, of course! Because partying and ruining Chuck Bass is way better to figure out what you wanna do with your life than Claire Bennet's way. And Serena already knows guitar hero and stuff, so she's good).

For Columbia, it's even sufficient to be as smart as Nate Archibald. That is, if you have enough money to buy you in!
Talking about money: If you have this cool buddy who recently stole your fiancee and is reallyreally rich, you can even become a professor at Columbia! Yeah, you don't need prior knowledge like how you write "Professor" or sth. like that, alas no professor's degree (Just to make this clear: Really? I study in Germany and all the people holding MY lectures have a professor's degree. For seminar's, a doctor's degree does it, too. But I suppose you don't need that if you're teaching at an American Ivy League. At least not, if Nate is the one you're teaching.)

If you're Claire Bennet, you don't only come to college without a plan. You come to college without even knowing what courses you're gonna take. Because it's just college. And you're seventeen forever, but not into the cold area, so no creepy admirers who will stalk you asleep = no reason to keep in high school. Claire IS 17 forever, right? I mean she looks 25 and all but her braincells... sorry, her cells can't get any older, right?

Gee, I'm so glad to not go to one of these Universities. Although, if I could afford Columbia... *sigh*

Cast me, baby!
The people who created NZ's Next Topmodel couldn't find a real Topmodel to host it. Or someone as cool as Bruce Darnell. (But even SuperSmize Tyra couldn't so wth!) Also, they're watching old TT episodes for their shootings, which is so fun!
The gay catwalk-ex-model-freak's fave character is Slade, btw. And you can tell by the way he dresses, puts make-up on his face and wears fabulous lightning bolt earrings. Very fierce!
If you're a tiny tiny model you're never gonne get booked BUT you can be on SuperSmize's show nontheless. She'll terrorize you with transgender-hooker-style-fake-hair and make you think of turkey pepperoni or real pork swine while you practise your smize, which, btw was found by Tyra not Barney Stinson (He just rechristened it "Crazy Eyes" which is actually way more accurate for what Tyra does!)
And if you're done with all that, you won't be an actual fashion model. Because it's a frickin CASTING SHOW! But at least you'll immidiately repell the HIMYM guys, so you won't be dumped for Lily or be fooled by Barney, which is double-awesome because this way he can stay being fake-boyfriend of Robin.

Honorable mentioning of the week...
Goes to Mr. Marshall Ericson. Yes, Lily was as cute&evil as ever, Barney was more than awesome - he was a... quite a bit - and Ted was adorably stupid. But Marshall was ON FIRE! Whip it good, bro!
Wtf was up with Robin Idk. Great performance, nice facial expressions, but she had like zero lines! Apart from the "talk" and her hockey-date with Brad she just nodded along. Don't rob us of this divine weird accent, TV guys!

The EMMYs are totally fake
Barney Stinson didn't get an award. HIMYM didn't. And Dr. Sheldon Cooper was overlooked, too.
For "30 Rock". Really? REALLY??













Quotes of the week:

Barney Stinson (HIMYM): Ok, look, mistake number one was taking that girl's question. You don't take questions on the first day, it shows weakness. Mistake number two was that you should have hit that! Dude, your pants were already off, you had a classroom full of people to cheer you on, and you can't knock her up, because it's a dream. Class dismissed.

Ted: You know what we should do? We should-
Marshall: Finish our drinks, go out in the alley, and whip stuff.
Ted: God, you just get me.

Lily: Oh my god, you guys! This is our first double date! First of millions! What if our kids get married?! Oh, I love this!

Brad: Oh, man. Is this the talk?  No, this is good. Let's get it all out of the way: Robin, I'm looking for something serious.  But before we go any further, you should know something about my stuff below the belt. I was born -  a little different...

Barney: How do you keep a girl from becoming your girlfriend? Simple: the rules for girls are the same as the rules for gremlins.
Ted: Gremlins?
Barney: Gremlins. Rule Nr. 1: Never get them wet. In other words, don't let her take a shower at your place. Nr. 2: Keep them away from sunlight. Ddon't ever see them during the day. And rule Nr. 3: Never feed them after midnight. Meaning she doesn't sleep over, and you don't have breakfast with her. Ever.
Ted: What about brunch? Is brunch cool?
Barney: No, Ted. Brunch is not cool.

Robin: Look, we've been over this. Unless I say "flugelhorn", you haven't gone too far.

Georgina (Gossip Girl): Jesus and I have redefined our relationship.
Blair: You mean he dumped you because He found out you were Satan!

Katie: So was everyone in your high school totally jealous of Dan for being such a great writer?
Blair: Dan's a writer?

+ Credit, people! With a link to my lj, ok thx!
+ No character-bashing and Twilight-fans in my journal
+ Have fun, comments are loved! (Or why do you think I'm posting this?)

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