From: Mohammad Sadeghi .d
To: [24 people not me]
Date: Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 6:25 AM
Subject: hello, my name is mohammad sadeghi .d
HELLO lady.
i find you at net.
What the hell does that mean?
and now i want one help. and send to somebody mail.
Anyone in particular?
but dont answer to me. may be i have problem.
That's unnervingly honest of you.
i dont know why they dont answer to me.
Me neither. Maybe it's how you're asking?
i am mohammad. 25 years old. from IRAN.
Why did you put Iran in all caps?
i have ask of you, answer to me, i need help. really i am not annoying.
Could have fooled me.
i want only one answer, how i can work in hollywood as writer. yes. i am screenplay writer. ten years write. write and write. my love is write.
Writing is cool. Have you thought about actually moving here, maybe? Breaking into busing tables while you send out slush for the slush pile? Take screenwriting courses? Maybe...this is a long shot...maybe ask someone who actually writes screenplays for a living?
You know, someone who's not me, for instance. Because I don't do that.
plz help me.
Spell please right, and maybe.
i am waiting for your answer.
Also if you learn to write properly. That's going to be important in screenwriting.
and we can (i think we can)
I think we can't, but hey, hope keeps the world alive.
to be friend as penpal.... thanks if accept me.
No need to thank me.
is my last chanse
Really, really doubt this.
god bless you and your family.
bye and thanks.
So...this didn't come in my spam folder. If anyone feels like tangling with Random Young Iranian Dreamer, here, feel free. I have no advice.
I do have a few amusing things, though. According to Wikipedia Mohammad Sadeghi's a
football player. He's also apparently an
actor, a
foreign policy writer, a
computer scientist in Denmark, and a
war criminal. I doubt any of these particular Mohammads are actually this Mohammad; maybe in Iran, Sadeghi's like Smith in the US?