See, and the really sad thing is, it's not that I just dropped off the face of the earth where posting/writing/making entries in a journal-type thing is concerned. I just moved to different venues.
And, because most of those venues I developed under an entirely different pseudonym, I've been afraid to connect the dots, as t'were. But I think I'm finally hitting that point where I'm either too tired to care anymore, or don't really give a damn what anyone digging for info on me might find.
How'ver, before that, more spam!
From: Watch The Video (
Reply to: Secret Video (
To: [a whole bunch of people not me, followed by my email address with this tagged on after it: (Yes, this is you.) Learn more:
Date: Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:17 AM
subject: These words make chicks horny...
Man. Problems before we even reach the introduction. So, first, if they were serious--and I doubt they were--about taking down the vid on Aprille 10th, then there's no use clicking the link anyway. But even if I did think it was still up, I doubt I'd care, because yet again, I'm playing the not-a-guy card. You'd think folks would get it, and stop bothering me, but to be fair, they're spammers. They don't have a limit to the depths they'll sink.
Let's face it....
Whoa, halt, full stop right there. First, I'm not, but second, damn, but that's a hostile way to start a letter. Even a letter from pond scum trying to get my personal information. Screw you, anonymous spammer-person.
But you know what?
It doesn't matter.
Damn right it doesn't matter. Because you're the jerk for going on the attack, not me.
Because this free video presentation shows you 1 weird
trick that makes any girl want to fck you..
No Matter WHAT You Look Like.
I disbelieve. And yes, the original spam sent to me spelled it "fck".
Also, has anyone else noticed the proliferation of "Discover this 1 weird trick to--" ads, of late? Ads, spam, some personal emails, but seriously, why? And why is it always "1 weird trick" and not "one weird trick?
I'm beginning to think there are no "weird tricks" for anything, and that's how various intelligence-gathering communities communicate with each other.
Click Here To Watch The Free Video Now <------------------
[link redacted]
You can use the trick that the video shows you to sleep with
6 girls in the next 6 weeks....
What if I don't want to sleep with six girls in the next six weeks?
Or you can use it to sleep with that one girl you've always wanted.
Actually, I don't have any "always wanted' girls. I have the two girls I love, who've set up shop with me, and we're pretty happy with things, we don't need to drag in four more strangers to make up some spammer's strange quota concept.
The choice is yours. But you have to hurry.
Because this video is coming down tonight.
Again, I disbelieve.
Click This Link And Watch The Video <------------------------------
[link redacted]
Because it is coming down tonight and you don NOT want to miss
out on discovering this weird trick that controls women and makes
Actually, I do. I want to miss out on this "weird trick that controls women". Because unless they're a sub, and I have them tied to something fun, I am utterly uninterested in "control" over women. If I seriously become interested in another woman, you know how I'll get her interested in me?
BY TALKING WITH HER. AS IF SHE WERE A REAL HUMAN BEING. I don't need some "weird trick" to try to overpower her senses and make her fall in lust with me. Because easily 99% of the time, when she comes to the next morning, and I've tried to deceive her, she's going to be mad.
And it's fair for her to be mad, if I've been that underhanded. I would have devalued her input into her own life and her own choices; I would have removed her agency from the equation of consent and free will; and hey, anonymous spammer-person? I don't care WHO you think you're talking to, that's just not cool. If I did that, I wouldn't be the girl with all the chicks, I'd be the date rapist.
I really, REALLY don't want to be the date rapist, because that's just nine thousand pounds of not fun, and that's far too heavy even in a large bed.
Also, what's with the last line? The one that goes "this weird trick that controls women and makes them"--
Uh...makes them what? Makes them whinny like a ponygirl? Makes them prance around the room covered in leather and termites? Makes them leap out the window and fly away on big gossamer wings of WTF? Makes them call their lawyer?
I mean, seriously, what the hell, spammer-person? END the goddamn SENTENCE already!
To stop receiving our offers click here
[link redacted]
or write to:
4447 North Central Expressway, Suite 110 PMB 406 Dallas, Texas 75205
Oh, and don't both of those SOUND like great ideas? Actual address to write to them to make them stop! How wonderful!
...Save that it never is. Because here's the "1 weird trick" I've learned about dealing with spammers--answering them in any way just gives them two pieces of info you don't want to have--that you're a live email (or snail mail) contact, and that you're a real person at the end of the envelope (or the email address). Which will mean they will send you TONS of random crap as a result.
No thank you.
In other spam news, I got eighteen--yeah, EIGHTEEN--invites to "play" with someone named Adriana, who has "unlocked her private photos" for me. Normally, I wouldn't care, but remember when I wrote about all the girls with the multiple names?
Well, this one's apparently just Adriana. It's quite possible that there's still a 20-to-40 year old male behind the keys, but it's odd that "she" kept to just one name.
From: Adriana
To: [one address not mine]
Date: Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 9:07 AM
Subject: Want to Chat Im Naked
Adriana has unlocked her private photos and videos for you to view and has requested that you do the same.
Click here to view her private photos and videos
[link redacted]
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 11:42 AM
Subject: Lets Meet ?
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 1:01 AM
Subject: Regards Yours Message
Didn't send one.
Sorry, I've been out of town but I am back and I'm looking for a good time on the town.
I have some new pics uploaded in case you forgot about me.
Add me on messenger so we can chat and have some fun hun, I hope you haven't forgotten, xoxo
Never talked to you before. Don't have "messenger", whatever that means. Don't care about the new pics uploaded.
From: Adriana
To: [one address not mine]
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 4:27 AM
Subject: Looking to chat with a guy
Well, that's simple. Not a guy.
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 7:04 AM
Subject: Meet me tonight!
This was another "Sorry I was out of town" one.
From: Adriana
To: [one address not mine]
Date: Sat, Apr 6, 2013 at 10:35 PM
Subject: Find the one today
Think I've found everyone I want to.
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 7:35 AM
Subject: Find a partner online
Not interested. (This was another "Sorry" message.)
From: Adriana
To: [one address not mine]
Date: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 3:22 PM
Subject: Hi dear, mind me adding you to friends? ;)
Yes. Do not add me. I mind very much.
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 10:20 PM
Subject: Lets Meet ?
No. (Another "Sorry" message.)
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 11:04 PM
subject: Im looking to Hook up!
Sucks to be you, then, 'cos I'm not. (Another "Sorry" message.)
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 4:19 AM
Subject: Would you like to hook up?
Nope. (Another "Sorry" message.)
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 7:20 AM
Subject: Ready to get some action?
Also nope. (Another "Sorry" message.)
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 1:25 PM
Subject: Lets Meet ?
Let's not.
From: Adriana
To: [one address not mine]
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:02 AM
Subject: Want to Hang out This Week
No. (Another "Sorry" message.)
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 7:53 AM
Subject: Meet me tonight!
No. Not even if you paid me, 'cos there's too many consonants in your email. I'm picky.
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 1:31 PM
Subject: Want to Hang out This Week
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Lets Go For coffee?
Only if you pay, and then go somewhere else to get yours.
From: Adriana
To: [multiple addresses not mine]
Date: Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 5:00 AM
Subject: Want to Meet Right Now ?
No, 'cos I don't even want to meet later on.
Oh, and at the end of all of these?
Please discontinue future announcements here:
[link redacted]
or you may write:
Cedar Hill Crest
P.O. Box 1825
Villa, St. Vincent
Riiiiight. Yeah, that's so not going to happen.
Now the bit of personal, which I am admittedly still slightly weirded out by doing, but I figure if you've read down this far, on an un-cut missive, well, then maybe, you might be interested:
I can be found most of the time on the
Braided Life Tumblog,
Razorblade Cookies blog, or on Twitter
@emillyorr. I'm still going to try to make it over here at least every couple of weeks, but seriously, if you want to keep in touch with me in ways I actually pay attention to, these are your three best bets.