As if New Orleans didn't have enough to deal with...
apparently their buildings are catching fire.
There are seven pics I've uploaded to m'own account--so as not to tax DirectNIC's
donated bandwidth too terribly--available here:
six, and
Apparently this is all one building, a small hotel behind something called Mother's, downtown. Seen from various views. I don't know whether it burned to the ground or not. According to
interdictor, some yotz with too much anger and way too much free time set the building on fire.
Oh, yeah. That's winning points in the afterlife. Isn't, set fire in locale already crippled by flood, rioting and total breakdown of civilization a straight-to-being-poked-with-sharp-things-forever offense?
If it isn't, it should be.
[Later insert--found
more pictures of the fire, from streetside.]
Recent update from Northwest News, btw--apparently, in addition to gas prices jumping a dime a day in some places, people who actually SURVIVED Katrina in N'Awlins are paying up to six bucks per gallon at the pump. (Though according to
GasBuddy, the highest prices are over in Metairie, where things are running $4.59. Still, for me, $4.59 is awfully close to six bucks, y'know?)
Sheesh. Like they need more problems getting out of the city. Man.
sunfell did a bit of background research, and made a wonderful list of
good charities and bad charities--from a dominionist and/or "stealth evangelism" perspective. (Tipped by
rosefox talked a bit about the
Lifestraw, something I also consider essential for disaster-preparedness kits. I haven't been able to track down a sales site yet, but these are the folks that designed and are marketing the Straw.
She also lists as essentials:
* Assemble a disaster kit, including all the antibiotics we can lay our hands on, other medical supplies in bulk, Life Straws, tarps, flares, bulk foods, waterproof walkie-talkies, bulk batteries....
* Microchip the cats
* Acquire two bicycles--three if we can, all with interchangeable parts--with repair kits, and learn how to fix them
* Take yoga to improve strength and flexibility, and then learn self-defense
* Continue learning useable, barterable, salable skills
* Find the next FDR and go to work on his presidential election campaign
Yep. She's seeing the same thing I am--breakdown of civilization, quite possibly within our lifetime. Nifty. And yeah, these are all good things to do.
I'd add to that:
* Mylar "emergency blankets"
* Solar-powered or hand-crank-powered radios
* store away plans for simple wind-powered generators, bike-powered generators, and water-powered generators, area depending
* Books--especially "classic" works (howeverso we define those) and how-to books (we have a lot of the how-to books already)
* trade items--pressed silver bars, gold if we can afford it, old jewelry or coins, and the like
Gah. I'm sure there's more I can put on the list. Sucks to think in these terms, too. Oh, and seeds. Seeds and gardening tools. At the very least we can grow food, if we can't keep chickens and cows and goats and whatever.
Gah again.
Holy crap. Tipped by
mercurystar. And I thought the LAPD was bad.
Intoxicated Lucifer! Hee!
Also, apparently it just occurred to me now, y'can't get into
basicbases unless you're friended to
basicbases. So really, that's fine, but hey, I thought some of y'all might want some Alanness to go 'round non-friendslocked. :)
And since I can't remember whether or not I uploaded these to the journal before...
Most of these are Alan Cumming bases, with a few additional inserts.
1-15, Alan Cumming; 16, Ryan Reynolds; 17, Serial Killer (Matthew Lillard) from Hackers; 18-19, Billy & Stu (Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard) from Scream; 20, Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka; 21, Johner (Ron Perlman) from Aliens: Resurrection); 22, Hugh Laurie; 23, Michael Rosenbaum promotional shot; and 24, cap from random photograph seen on
Cannot remember where all the Alan Cumming shots came from originally, though I think most of them came from Cumming Attractions about a year or so back...other that that, no clue...
Rules simple: NO. HOTLINKING. PERIOD. If you want to credit, nifty, but they're just bases, so I don't expect it. I would like you to comment and tell me what you took, though--I like knowing what inspires people. And these are bases, so yeah, customize away.
Problems with cursing drag queens.
Soylent green is *Wendy's*??Gold, Frankenstein and myrrh.
Always a good time to be had when you can make fundy brains
And that's the news for today. Tomorrow we go see Transporter 2 and stay out of the house while the house is being flea-bombed into oblivion; and I've got Cat's cold, or flu, or...whatever.