you didn't really sell your baby for reefer?

Aug 10, 2005 01:02

Whole grab-bag of variosity, actually. Nothing hugely earthshaking. :)

We can't seem to decide.

Irresistably drawn to Cher? (Hey, don't laugh. I've seen this work.)
Please refrain from smoting.
Various ways Stan has lost random boyfriends. Poor Gabrielle Stan.
Fluffies. Why they irritate us.

Oh, wau. I have a new conspiracy link! Whee! I can now add that to my weekly conspiracy checks, like Enterprise Mission, Dark Conspiracy (where everyone sounds just a tad more rational), and the Jackalope Conspiracy page, which just gets funnier every time I read it. (Thank you, pandoras_closet--you continually inspire me.)

It's a conspiracy! What They Don't Want You to Know:

In order to understand the ophidian takeover of the government you need to realize that everything is controlled by a painters' guild made up of Asians with help from homosexuals.

The conspiracy first started during the building of the town hall in Dirkwater, TN. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the Battle of San Juan Hill.

Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by nailbiting.

They want to strangle Pauly Shore and imprison resisters in Siberia using rickshaws and portable cages.

In order to prepare for this, we all must rebel. Since the media is controlled by Al Gore we should get our information from Rush Limbaugh.

I'm tellin' you, you heard it here first.

I'm all for teaching DUH
in America's schools!

Seriously. Go read why. :) (Tipped by teal_cuttlefish.)

The coming Saudi oil shock. Tipped by rosefox. It's...eye-opening, to say the least.

This is gonna be my new favorite place for a while. If you know me, you know why. If you don't, then I can't explain it.

This test? Makes me scratch my head and say "Huh?" a lot. I got Jayne. 73% of Jayne. Both gorram times I took it.


So. Got bored just hanging around and waiting for Cat to get Teflon tape for me. Decided I'd do what I can on the home level, until we can get the tape and/or wire in various gauges. Right now I'm wearing two stud earrings in both of my lower holes--I mean two stud earrings per hole. It's not comfortable. I'm concerned that it's not the "right" kind of stretching for the hole. Still. Tired of waiting. And it's not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be, so therefore. (That's generally a good sign for me that I'm on the right track--I've never had a tattoo or a piercing yet that caused me to leap from the chair and run screaming for the door. Whereas I've met folks who got a little teeny tattoo on their left breast, or ankle, or hip, and that was all they could take, they said. Yeah. That means tattoooing isn't for you, babe.)

Just keep turning them when I think about it, like any new piercing...ask Cat to pick up Vitamin E oil tomorrow, so I can rub a bit into my ears each day...and wash them with salt water over and over and over again. Yeah.

lobe stretching, comics, conspiracies

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