Brick Cave Media at the 2010 Phoenix Comicon

May 25, 2010 00:44

The Great Brick Cave Media Guide to:

Phoenix Comicon 2010

When | Who | Giveaways | Merch at Con | Nerd Slam Rules

First, Watch the New Video!

We're releasing the video that we will be playing in the booth during Comicon on YouTube, so you can check it out right now, here:

It carries some commentary from some of the cast, some new unreleased footage from the movie, and comments from the crew.

Come and see us!

BCM is in Booth 513, and we are STUFFED with STUFF...

We are also sharing a piece of booth with Anthology, Inc., the sponsors of the 2010 Great Nerd Poetry Slam, information for which we have also enclosed.

We are promoting Sacrifice, Haven and some of the artists whose work we have published, such as The Klute.


Phoenix Convention Center, Exhibition Hall, Booth 513

Hours (of the Booth):

Thursday, May 27th: 6pm-9pm

Friday, May 28th: 12pm-8pm

Saturday, May 29th: 10am-7pm

Sunday, May 30th: 10am-5pm

2010 Great Nerd Poetry Slam

Saturday, May 29th: 9PM- Room CC152

Brick Cave Media Guest Schedule:

Thursday Night:

Actor Bret Buzek

Portrays Corporal Chris Wayne in Sacrifice

Chris Wayne, who becomes the monster's first snack after 500 years in hiding, kicks off our guests at the 2010 Comicon. Bret was on set for the biggest location shot of the movie, and he's got plenty of dirt to share- some of it probably from that very set.

Kent Markwart

Director of Photography for Sacrifice

The man with the camera, wandering through deserts and all sorts of crazy places. He says he likes gorilla film making, well, we put him through his paces, and now you can pick his brain.


Author J.A. Giunta

Haven Story Series Author and Co-Founder

Special Guests include Author J.A. Giunta

J.A. Giunta was born in Brooklyn, New York, in November of 1969. Though he spent most of his childhood growing up on Long Island, he has been living in Arizona for more than twenty-five years.

Joe started writing stories at an early age, creating adventures for his pen and paper Dungeons & Dragons campaigns on a Commodore 64. Spooled from a dot-matrix printer, that first stapled manuscript has not survived, but it has evolved over the years to form The Ascension trilogy.

His first Fantasy novel, The Last Incarnation, was published in February of 2005. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Arizona State University, he is both an avid reader and gamer. He currently writes full-time.

He currently lives with his wife, Lori, and six-year old daughter, Ada Rose, in the perpetual summer that is central Arizona. He credits all of his work to the advent of air-conditioning.

Author Sharon Skinner

Haven Story Series Author

Costumes and Set design for Sacrifice

Sharon Skinner is an award-winning poet who received her B.A. in English from Ottawa University and her M.A. in Creative Writing from Prescott College.

She is currently a board member for Anthology, inc. and the AAGP (American Association of Grant Professionals).

From 1996 to 2004 she served as the Executive Editor of Anthology magazine, a small press literary magazine published in Mesa, Arizona. Her work has appeared in a number of periodicals including Green's Magazine, New Moon Rising, Sage Woman, El Sol, The Mesa Legend, Mosaic Minds and The Barnes and Noble Metaverse Poetry Anthology.

Actor Heather Liebenow

Portrays Col. Charloette Lene in Sacrifice


Heather Liebenow has parlayed her tremendous voiceover work into a

successful acting career. Of coarse, it doesn’t hurt that he has skills in

Martial Arts, Horseback Riding, and Gymnastics. Sacrifice is her first

science fiction film.


The Klute

BCM Author & Host of the

2010Nerd Poetry Slam

"I'll be around All Day"

He's hosted some of the biggest poetry slams in the country, and he has performed on the biggest stages. Now come and read his words, and talk to him about his experiences in poetry slam.

Actor Brent Heffron

Portrays Kyle Broughnam in Sacrifice

Brent didn't offer us an official bio, even though he was the lead actor in the movie, so we're going to make one up...

We know he was in Hell on the Border, a winner of some award somewhere, but other than that he is an international man of mystery. We also know that he has done performance poetry, and is pretty damn good. However, we cannot confirm those nasty internet rumors about naked mud wrestling in Europe, or selling Tammy Fay makeup videos in Thailand, you'll just have to ask him about that yourself.

Actor Idena Thatcher

Portrays Ixalough "Esh" Tonatiuh in Sacrifice


Idena Thatcher describes acting as both soothing and exciting at the same time. She should know, as a veteran of many stage shows, including such as Grease and Beauty and the Beast. Like many of her co-stars in sacrifice, she has a beutiful singing voice, and mad kickboxing skills. She would choose Godzilla over Gamera.

Actor Heather Liebenow

Portrays Col. Charloette Lene in Sacrifice


Heather makes a return visit because 1- she is awesome, and 2- she is awesome...

Artist Michael Robinson

Graphic Artist/Storyboards, Sacrifice Comic

Bob talked about it, Michael drew it. He designed the Sacrifice Monster, and drew many of the elements in the movie. Come by and talk to Mike about his drawing, or about the insanity of working forBob.


Director Bob Nelson

Director of Sacrifice

Owner of Brick Cave Media


Yeah, that's right, the boss is sitting in the booth all day on Sunday, ready to talk Sacrifice, or just about anything else you want to talk about. He is happy to give autographs for a $1 donation to his favorite literary nonprofit, Anthology, Inc. of which he is also the Executive Director. Anthology, by the way, is also sponsoring the Nerd Poetry Slam at the Phoenix Comicon on Saturday Night at 9pm, so you can catch him a bunch.

The Giveaways

Sacrifice Posters:

The First 50 people each of the four days of Comicon that register for The Conspiracy Newsletter at Comicon by dropping their email address into The Cool-Aid Man, will receive a free 11x17 poster from the upcoming 
Sacrifice movie. And, bring it to any of the actors to sign.

Trading Cards:

To Promote Sacrifice, All of the principal actors has a trading card, and we are offering 150 free cards for each actor, to be signed, as scheduled:

Brent/Kyle- Sat Noon-2pm

Shanda/Atzi- TBD

Idena/Esh- Sat 2pm-4pm

Les/Olendorf- TBD

Heather/Col. Lene Sat 4pm-6pm

Noel/Cpt. Williams- TBD

Jack/Ichtaca- TBD

The Crew- TBD

The Monster- TBD

Custom merchandise for Comicon

This year, we bring three T-Shirts to Comicon. Limited availability means these bad boys will go fast. For each design, you can choose M, L or XL and you may choose a Black Shirt w/white print, or a white shiort with Black print. Anyway, here they are:

We kick off the new Brick Cave Media logo at Comicon with these bad boys:

And, you can get a Sacrifice Shirt as well:

Or, finally, as part of Sharon Skinner's Alienated Writer's line of cool stuff, you can score yourself one of these:

2010 Great Nerd Poetry Slam

Saturday, May 29th: 9PM- Room CC152

Bring your nerdiest poetry, and if you can get past The Gatekeeper, ie. The Klute, by answering him this question one, then you will get to perform your poetry for the judges.

  • Bring a poem, should be 3 minutes or less in length performed.

  • Poems can be free verse, rhymed, you name it.

  • Should be an original composition.

  • Normally, Poetry slam throws out costumes, but we have a feeling this one isn't going to fly in a room full of dressed up people.

  • The Trivia question "Could" be of any nerd genre, but Mr Klute is pretty good with his comics, and we've NEVER seen him miss a ST:OS question. So Come Prepared.

  • It's a nerd slam, any genre of Nerd-dom is open.

The winner is decided by judges vote based on the contestants. In the event of a tie, write yourself some nerd Haiku (3 lines, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables), and get ready to rumble...

So far, that's what's happening, so we are looking forward to seeing you all this week at the Greatest Show in Nerdom, the 2010 Phoenix Comicon.

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