Jan 20, 2010 09:43
The Coakley defeat last night has brought into light the fact that things are not hunkey-dorey in Wall Street, Main Street, or Pennsylvania Avenue.
Someone posted that it doesn't get any more Democrat than Massachusettes... which is technically incorrect, as there are far more independants in Mass than Dems or Repubs. to say Liberal might be more accurate, but symantecs are not what this post is about.
The issue is that the Dems were given a mandate, and the keys to the kingdom- not just Obama, because this is not just about the prez, but Reid, Pelosi and the whole gang- even Kennedy. The basically got the run of the shop to do with what they felt was best for the american people, the the sum total of their efforts?
Nothing. No tax reform, no healthcare reform, no wall street reform, no extension of tax credits. Nothing, nada, zilch, zip.
Seriously... all the money that's been spent this last year? all from the Stimulus Bill (passed, I might add) from the previous administration.
Mortgage help.... stop, I'm laughing
Cash for Clunkers... I just pee'd my pants
Pelosi and Reid have been so rediculously ineffective, it's a wonder they have not been replaced. The Republicans have played the perfect strategy, merely picking strategic points to resist healthcare and avoid giving the impression that they are acting pro-business, just 'fiscally conservative'. The rest, they've just let the Democrat divisiveness play in the headlines and people gather their own perceptions.
And the Big O is not immune to criticism here. Instead of facebooking the visit of the minister of tiny country 'X', let's facebook some material about healthcare, and how it would impact the 20/30 somethings that use facebook? Ive seen a couple speeches about alternative energies but little in the way of inspiration. When Kennedy (John), wanted to move progress, he put the bar out there "Hey, let's go to the moon, that would be cool"- and it worked. For all the hope, for all the "yes we can", we have collectively waited for direction that has not come, and we are getting tired of waiting while unemployment continues to rise.
He has ignored the Arts, Science (save alternative energy), and honestly, social services. Where are the SBA backed zero interst loans to get entrepeneurs creating new businesses since the private sector obviously sucks? If you want to stimulate economic growth, why are will still TALKING about job creation a year in?
The State of the Union address isn't going to fly with pretty words- it will need a checklist of action items, and a fierceness that I'm not sure I've yet seen from the Big O. He needs to take charge of the situation, stop involving himself in every petty little event and provide direction, inspiration and leadership in accomplishing the bigger picture. He's great at having a beer with the little guy, he's got to be able to tell the little guy what to do now, and motivate him to get it done.
Remember, the Dems didn't come to power because they were better, they came to power because they did not have the 'R' of GW next to their names on the Ballot. That advantage is gone now.