Aug 28, 2008 13:58
I feel like I've been running around like some sort of crazed headless chicken for the past few weeks. LJ just told me it's only been a week since I've updated and that's totally wrong, it feels like it's been at least a month when in reality it's been like two weeks. Jesus H.
I've had a birthday party to attend every weekend since August began and I'm all like, why are my children so popular and suffered through two bouts of "fuck, I don't have any safe cake for my daughter" (one time because our oven shit the bed for a day) and I just rolled the dice and let her eat with the rest of the kids. Although I may seem kind of calm about it here it's actually a very stressful situation for me, even though both times we have been lucky and she's been perfectly fine. Tomorrow is the doctor's appointment for both children and I am asking for the RAST blood-draw to see where he peanut level is and although I'm not quite optimistic enough to think she's outgrown her allergy I am hoping that her level has at least dropped into no-anaphylaxis territory or something like that.
Part of the reason I would love for her not to have her peanut allergy be so bad (or not have it at all anymore) is that we took my son to a minor league baseball game a couple of weeks ago and it was a pretty good time. For one thing, it only cost like $10 per person to get in, and then they had all sorts of activities geared for the kids. My son had a great time and I suspect my daughter would have too, had they not been serving peanuts. Supposedly there is a minor league park not too far from here that is peanut-free, so we will probably explore that next year. I think I am just tired and frustrated with the whole situation, which doesn't mean I'm throwing caution to the wind but I am testing boundaries that I wouldn't have tested a year ago. I suppose you could call it bad parenting or taking unnecessary chances but even my husband (who is Mr. Cautious) is to the point where we're like, well, maybe she could try this. I have to discuss this with the pediatrician because he has a son with a peanut allergy and I'd like to get his input.
Anyway, summer is winding down for us. My son had his first session of Mite hockey yesterday, which was stressful because it was at a rink I had never been to before and Jesus Christ, hockey in AUGUST. Plus I found out at the parents meeting that there are going to be 60 practices and 30 games and I'm all like, how are we supposed to have a life outside of hockey, it doesn't sound too promising, damn it. But my son wants to play so here we are. I'm signing the girl up for tumbling today, but that's on a mid-week morning so it shouldn't interfere with hockey (I hope). She is also going to the learn how to ice skate program which takes place after her brother's Saturday morning practices so at least they're sort of doing something together.
My son is bitching at me that he has nothing to do and I'm like, one more day kid and then your summer freedom as you knew it is over. Thank God. I called two of his friends and neither one was home, and my daughter is off playing with all the girls in the neighborhood so I've got nothing else for him to do and told him to suck it up and read a book or color or something. So now he's ignoring a re-play of a Red Sox game on TV while he's aggravating the dog and I'm like is it Sept. 2 yet?? We've been to the beach multiple times and gone swimming at my parents' house and even to a local amusement park and playdates galore and I AM DONE, people.
food allergies