
Jul 31, 2006 14:08

This weekend was a banner one for me in that:

1. Got an "adult-only evening out" on Saturday. We celebrated our friend C's b-day about two weeks late, but better late than never. Went out to eat at the Macaroni Grill, then to see "Pirates of the Caribbean: We Want More of Your Money." HA! All kidding aside, it was a good movie, although a bit long and basically a set-up for the third movie.

2. "The Girls Next Door" had an hour-long season premiere last night, and it was all I expected it to be :) (I'm not bothering with a link this time because if you're really all that interested in the show, you'll find it in my past entries.) We had to escort my daughter up to bed 15 minutes into the show due to the fact that she was actually paying attention, asking why the girls were "doing that," (which involved getting undressed and wearing naughty lingerie) and quoting Kendra, who at the time was herself quoting the lyrics to a rap song. Fortunately, the only thing my 2 year-old actually repeated was the word "butt." Bad parenting moment.

3. Another moment with my dad: We were watching one of the baseball games on TV, and some girl was singing "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch. My dad took one look at her and said, "If she falls, she won't hit her face." My mother, who was in the kitchen at that time, said "Why is that?" My dad sat there snickering, so I told my mom, "Because she has a big rack." But the girl really did have a big chest, honest. Also: My daughter was asleep and my son was in the other room, so they didn't hear that phrase to repeat in church.

movies, family, the girls next door

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