Some more Flaws of D&D

Feb 20, 2007 01:17

This conversation happened earlier tonight.

Neliomobile: A man clad in black robes with a black cloak steps out of the shadows, face completely concealed in darkness, "I have something to show you." He reaches into clock and produces an adamantine knife about 2 inches long. "This is an adamantine knife, as you are aware, it is very sharp and can pierce through most substances without any effort. Observe." The man drops the knife point first into the ground; the knife penetrates the stone floor with ease and sticks in it standing straight up. "Do you understand?"

Magus of Rilian: "That knife would be very dangerous if it didn't have a hilt."

Neliomobile: "You are correct good sir, now watch." The man then points to a guard down the street equipped with mythril full plate and a tower shield. The man holds out his hand and through some supernatural force the knife flies up into his hand. "As you can see that guard is fully armored, but watch what happens when I do this." The man then throws the knife at the man with average speed, it is obvious the cloaked man was holding back some.

Neliomobile: (The knife has a range increment of 10 feet, and the guard is 30 feet away, after rolling a 10 on the dice and taking into account the modifiers, the man hits armor class 18. 18 exceeds the guard's touch AC by 7 points, but not his standard AC of 25)

Neliomobile: The knife then gets thrown at the guard and strikes his armor in the chest, however the knife flies off without leaving the a single mark on the armor. "Do you see a problem with this?"

Magus of Rilian: "Hmm. That's rather bizarre. I was expecting the knife to penetrate his armour and slay him."

Neliomobile: "So would I, however it seems that something prevents it from happening. That is all I have to share with you today." The man then disappears back into the darkness from which he came.

Neliomobile: I guess I could have just come out and said what I was getting at, but that seemed more interesting

Magus of Rilian: That's interesting. I never thought about that particular logical hole in the rules.

Neliomobile: I think that one of three things should happen with adamantine weapons;
A: they are treated as touch attack unless the armor has an hardness greater than 20, B: the damage dealt to the person is also done to the armor, or C: both.

Magus of Rilian: I would just make them armour-piercing. That's only, like, a +1/2 advantage.

Neliomobile: Yeah, that would be the more sensible thing to do.
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