Went with bud to a Christmas concert at church tonight, hoping to get a little Christmas mood out of it, and it worked! It was fab! They were three different choirs performing as one, and sometimes you could tell, because they weren't powerfully in synch in every song, but there were a couple of songs that gave me goosebumps, especially O Holy Night, which had a male solo (one of our local docors) with the choir joining in at the chorus. AWESOME.
At the end, they turned off all the lights and formed a half circle around the pews and held one lit candle each while singing Silent Night. So pretty.
A couple of people from work were in the choir too, which was neat.
The collection this Christmas was to a project that collected money for an organization in Liberia, and when leaving you'd get a match box (to symbolize the lighting of candles in the darkness) and a folder. Both bud and I, carrying the mental age of ten, were all "we get matches? For FREE?". XD
When I got home, I met my neighbor who'd just gotten home (she sang in the choir too). Turns out one of her walking sticks (you know, the kind that looks like a ski stick) had gotten stolen (she keeps them standing outside the door). Apparently, sometime last night between 11.30 to midnight, when I was sleeping like the dead, there had been in a real racket in the corridor outside, and there was some smashed glass and stuff.
We suspect that guy who got
drunk and tried to get into our apartments last year, since after 9pm you need a key to get into the building. :-/ Without knowing anything concrete, I've gathered that he has mental problems and he's got something about an infamous reputation around here.
Finally, to sum up, a bud classic:
Bud, as we're outside her building: Okay, give me my matches now.
Me: Oh, right! *starts to rummage through handbag, lifting something up only to find that it's my wallet* Damn it, I can't find anything when I have mittens on. *offers bud bag* Here, you try. Oh wait, you have mittens too.
Bud: Pah, I think I can find a match-- *pulls out a flier* Oh.