Filling out an icon meme for twitchytwitch, and another short fic

Jul 21, 2010 18:17

twitchytwitch posted that icon meme on her journal, so I thought I'd fill it out!

I. Reply to this post with a quote and I will pick six of your icons.
II. Make a post ( including this info ) and talk about the icons I chose.
III. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
IV. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

And the icons:

This is the concert poster for Donna's band that shows up for like, three seconds in the movie version of Mamma Mia (in the attic). Even though it was just a few seconds I thought it was one of the coolest things ever and grabbed a still to make an icon. The design is just so.. badass.

Also Tanya's silhouette on there only makes the resemblance to Kate more obvious WHY SO AWESOME

My Sebastian icon and the one that's been on here the longest! I got the quote from an episode of The Office (Dwight is holding the pizza boy hostage in the breakroom for not honoring one of Michael's coupons) because the minute I heard it I knew it sounded like something Sebastian would say to a bunch of captives. Also I guess that would make Giovanni Michael. Which is oddly cool.

Sweet Lolita Pikachu. The episode it was taken from was Pokemon Fashion Flash (the one with Salon Rocket). I didn't edit the actual screenshot much aside from adding the little pink hearts.

Lloyd from Code Geass. One of the coolest mad scientists ever and apparently the only Britannian on Code Geass other than Euphy or Nunnally who's not a total douche.

Generic Goth icon is generic and Goth, but I love it anyway. It's a Rozen Maiden icon (of Suigintou) but the screenshot is impressive enough that it still looks cool even if someone's not familiar with Rozen Maiden, and it really is quite pretty in my opinion.

I think the art is from a panshot taken from one of the AG endings.. I'm not sure which... and the words are taken from Lovelight from ABBA. Which could be slapped on pretty much any bishounen icon (any lyrics from that song for that matter, which is why my using it for an Alice/Tonio AMV ended up so easy- it's pretty much Every Shoujo Romance Manga: A Summary in Song) but I like how I laid this icon out. Probably will keep it even if I end up doing a new batch of icons like I keep intending to.

Also, I wrote some more fic on Monday! This one is a short Tonio story, and it turned out pretty well considering I don't usually write outside of Rocket characters


Tonio believed in angels.

He'd never had the courage to admit it. His studies of Oracion and its power already had him branded a crackpot by Alberto, and due to this most of the city, blindly following the word of their idol.

It wasn't just all the journals he so lovingly archived. Or the oral accounts he'd recorded and stored in his database. Or even the photographs- all of which had an undeniable, mysterious shadowy presence in them.

Tonio had experienced angelic presence firsthand. Long after an angel saved Alice.


He felt like it wasn't worth it any more. His research, mocked and shamed by Alberto, called quackery and superstition, turning him into the laughingstock of Alamos Town.

It wasn't fitting for the great-grandson of the man who built the whole town to live like this. He had disgraced the family name, and there was only one honorable thing left to do.

Tonio stood at the very top of the Space-Time Tower, clutching Godey's journal, full of his history and notes and life work, to his chest, closing his eyes.

"Goodbye, Alamos Town," he muttered. As the sun began rising over the ancient buildings and the bells chimed, Tonio began his descent onto the cold, hard cobblestones that would take his life and clear his ancestor's good name. He braced himself for the impact and the inevitable darkness to follow.

A cold breeze swept through Alamos Town at that moment. Tonio opened his eyes. He had reached the ground... on his feet.

"Wha... what? I'm.. alive?"

Tonio looked in the direction the breeze was blowing. The same shadowy presence from the photographs, the sensation he was told of by Alamos Town's elders...

It was clear that the best way to restore honor to his family name was to prove his theories right, to prove that the stories of so many of the elders, of the dark angel who came to them in their time of need, were true.

More importantly, he had to restore honor to Darkrai's name, to restore honor to his.


Tonio believed in angels. No matter how much he was mocked for it. He'd met one firsthand.

And Tonio knew angels wore black robes and white hair.

memes, darkrai, tonio, pokemon, movie 10, writing, fanfiction

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