Things Beki Wants to do With Her Life (again)

Jan 29, 2011 23:08

On May 1 last year I updated my list of dreams/goals.

I'm updating the update now...

Updated list of dreams now achieved....
1. Graduating from high school
2. Finding and marrying the perfect man for me
3. Finding a major that works for me
4. Graduating from college.
5. Various small dreams~ running a game, going to Disney with my love, hosting Thanksgiving, etc.
6. Getting a real job using my field of study
6.5 Keeping said job from year-to-year and be seen as a great teacher/employee.
7. Completing the Institute of Children's Literature course.
7.5 Completing several short stories for children.
8. Find and purchase a home.
9. Start working towards a master's degree.

Updated Goals/Dreams to Achieve:
1. Get knocked up. Any time now....
2. Have beautiful babies (and cosplay with them).
3. Travel. See Western Europe and Japan.
4. Complete a master's degree.
5. Keep working in the field as I work towards a doctorate degree.
6. Retire from the school system to teach new educators and MODEL BEST PRACTICES, DAMMIT.

Yes, I'll be working on these within the next few years, I just wanted to list them out here and now for me to look back and be happy when I check them off.

update, dreams

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