Oh, Robin Hobb.

Feb 25, 2010 20:27

So even though the illustrious Robin Hobb has friended me, I'm not sure she's got the hours each day that it would take to find my entries on her FL.

So I can feel free to write about her and hey, if she ever see this, that's cool with me.

I've been a fan since I read Assassin's Apprentice in 1999. I have this cycle that I go through, which if you've ever heard me describe is ALWAYS THE SAME for the Hobb epic fantasy: Oh, man the characters' circumstances are so depressing. Oh, holy crap these characters are making crazy choices and I jus twant to slap them. OH MY GOSH there could not be a more perfect resolution!!!!!!11111!!!ELEVENTYONE!!!!!  I have no idea how you do it, Robin, but my hat comes off to you.

So I finished re-reading the Soldier Son trilogy. HOLY CRAP I didn't like it the first time. Nevare has a ton of crap loaded onto him that he can't avoid, yet he makes such stupid choices like avoiding his family (and, yes, there had been 6 previous novels to perfect the brooding male first character, but still). Dude, magic, whaa? Yay, he's finally happy. Oh no you DIDN'T god of balances!
OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH you seriously went there and put everything into perfect place! HOWDOYOUDOIT?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Robin Hobb is officially my favorite living author. If you enjoy epic fantasy, know that this is EPIC and you are missing out if you don't read it.

**Disclaimer: I am so totally blown away that this is really the best description of how I felt while reading without giving any spoilers (because spoilers are evil). My only qualm with the series now is that I think there were too many possibilities opened in the last couple of pages and I want to see what happens next, but I probably won't and that makes me a sad panda. I know that without conflict there is no draw, but Hobb's idea of conflict is killer. I would srsly be happy with another 2 chapters (or novels) that talk about the next choices Nevare makes and the consequences of his actions in a mundane way. Epic doesn't always have to be so epic. Or maybe that's just my historical fiction self talking. ^^;

robin hobb, rant

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