Anne McCaffrey

Nov 23, 2011 02:54

I hadn't expected the news of Anne McCaffrey's death to hit me so hard. After all, I haven't read one of her books in years - I sort of drifted away from them after they found the spaceships on Pern, somehow it wasn't the same any more.

But I remember in 6th grade, finding Dragonsinger. (Literally finding it - it was tucked into the desk I'd put my project on, and since I had to sit there for a while, I started reading.) I'd read other SF and fantasy before, and was a fan of the genre, but this was the first book that I remember speaking to me so vividly.

At the very first convention I went to (in Niagra Falls, 1987 or 88) she was the guest of honor. I still remember the dragon-hatching the costumers staged for her, it was beautiful.

Thanks for the stories, and especially for Menolly.
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