rah_bop nicely invited me to the local con. tomorrow.
we had somewhat thought about doing a cosplay, but abandoned it a bit ago. now... though, i feel odd thinking about going to a con *not* in cosplay.
so she's dressing up as Ico, from the video game of the same name (it's cool, btw. haven't beaten it, but definitely logged a good number of hours considering i don't even own the console.) and so i was like... hey, i should be that girlie... that tags along with him.
don't even know her name, yes, i am that lame. ANYWAY. i contemplate. i say, eh, too much trouble. i contemplate some more. i have a dress that could work. i have a piece of fabric that i was going to give away, and of course i always have paints around...
all i would need would be:
- a grey wig
- white tights
- white/light makeup
hmm. the latter two can be easily acquired. the first... well, rah has told me about her horrors of finding wigs in portland. and i don't know how to style wigs. but i look up wigs on anyway, because why not?
downtown there's a store called magpie i've always wanted to wander into. i call. they have a grey wig, of the appropriate length, for $32.
HMMM. how much do i really want to do this. i mean. $25 for the con, $5 for the tea party we may or may not get into, and $32 for a wig? plus miscellaneous expenses, like the tights and the makeup and the cost of parking and any food we want to eat and anything i want to buy tomorrow...
and then there's the time. 'course, i have no plans for today. but... hmm.
it makes me want to just not go tomorrow :/ because i really do want to cosplay, but at the same time... well, maybe they won't let us into the tea party looking like ico and yorda (her name, btw). and... i could be cold. and the con is probably going to be a bust anyway (kumoricon has always been somewhat of a laughable affair, with events happening only because of some cosmic equation involving energy put in has to equal something coming out, even if it is at the wrong time, place, or even the wrong idea completely.)
i like costumes. i like cosplay. i like anime. somedays, i really dislike anime obsessed people. actually, i dislike them most days. i'm not sure i really want to subject myself to this.
OR, i could just forgo the *must cosplay as well as possible* for the cheap option, and just not bother with the hair.
you know what's funny? i've always thought it would look cool to have white hair, and still be young. in an oddly artistic sort of way. i know bleach ruins your hair, but... *wanders off to do research on the internets* yeah, right. forget that idea.
i think i shall just go and finish sanding my dresser. after all, that is one thing i definitely want to do - have a katamari themed dresser :D
then, if i really feel like it, i can put together the shawl. but i'm not going to stress anything else. besides, i've got to have some cool geeky clothing i can wear tomorrow that will be fun anyway.