Jan 23, 2015 18:42
So, January is flying by. Work is going to be... yeah. Major project will take up at least first part of the year, a bit annoyed as it will probably push back the international project to later part of the year. Dammit, was hoping for some major travel this year!!! I like my free wine on international flights!!!
Anyway... Will be at Ohayocon next weekend if anyone else will be there. Will be cosplaying Rize from Tokyo Ghoul and Hanji from Shingeki no Kyoujin/Attack on Titan. Not too happy with the contacts I'll be wearing, had some drama w/ them (got some prescription contacts from my eye doctor but they're not perfect, tried ordering some from a decent site but said eye doctor was shitty about handing over a script, but asked around Tumblr and found approved contacts on a Korean site but they'll arrive for later cons). Anyone going to Tekkoshocon this year? My con buddy is busy so....
I've completed the next chapter of Shadows, just need to get it edited and uploaded. Halfway through the next Young Avengers chapter as well. Busy, busy, I tell you...
This weekend will be putting the final pieces to the cosplay costumes and will try to get the Shadows chapter uploaded. Hope that the weather holds decent for the drive to Ohio. Thank the gods for studded snow tires....