Sous la Lune

Jun 27, 2007 03:39

WARNING: Bestiality alert! I need to get away from the kink meme and work on my own things... Ah, well. Here's that other request I mentioned that I was considering doing. I think I did a pretty good job on this one and... it was actually kinda fun to write. I had a hell of a time coming up with a good description of Hikaru's transformation, though, but it came out alright, so it's all okay. Enjoy!

Hikaru/Kaoru, bestiality, werewolf. Rating: R.

Kaoru stared through the window at the world outside. The sun was sitting low on the horizon and the sky was ablaze with the bright colours of a day's end. He sighed lightly and allowed his eyes to travel up further in that sky. There, hanging high over the earth, was the subdued orb of the moon, almost translucent against a sky still full of light. It was full tonight, and as he watched it, he felt that it was mocking him from high in the heavens. He pressed his fingers against the glass, feeling almost as if he could touch the moon if he could just reach past the window panes. He sighed again, leaning forward and resting his forehead on the cool glass for a moment before pushing off of it again and turned around to face the room he was in.

His gaze came to rest on Hikaru, who was lying on an antique chaise beside the fireplace. His cheeks were flushed with the fever he'd had ever since the previous night's moon had set and every so often he'd cry out in a feeble voice. For now he had fallen into a troubled slumber, and as Kaoru watched he pitched in his sleep, knocking the wet cloth that had been draped across his forehead to the floor. With a heavy heart Kaoru pushed from the window and crossed the room, kneeling beside his twin. He picked up the cloth and dipped it in the basin of ice water that sat on a little tea table by the chaise, then wrung it out and laid it again on his brother's head, brushing a lock of hair out of the way as he did so.

This was all he could do for him, he knew. Earlier in the day he had tried to give Hikaru medicine for his fever, but all it had done was send his body into a fit of convulsions. Hikaru had cried then, and Kaoru along with him. He'd held his older brother until the tremors had stopped and even still for what seemed like hours after. That was when he'd helped Hikaru to the chaise and gotten the basin of water, not wanting to chance the reaction of a different medication. He'd started a fire then, too, which was now burning low in the hearth, filling the room with a dim orange hue.

Kaoru glanced at the fire, contemplating whether or not to stir it a bit, but when he glanced back at his brother he noticed that Hikaru's eyes were partially open. The amber irises were aimed toward him, but Kaoru wasn't sure that he could see him clearly. He smiled weakly at his brother, brushing his cheek with his fingers. He blinked back tears as Hikaru tried to smile back at him, then leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on his brother's lips.

"Ne, Hikaru," he said softly when he sat back up.


"The sun's almost set..." Kaoru glanced at the window. The sky beyond was fast becoming a blanket of navy blue.


Kaoru rested a hand lightly on Hikaru's chest, feeling the beating his brother's heart. "How are you feeling...?"

Hikaru gave a laugh that sounded more like a cough. "The specialist... did say that... it'd... be rough..." he paused for a moment, taking in several shallow breaths, "... rough... the first time... right?"

Kaoru cooed and petted his brother's hair. "Just get some rest. I'm going to stoke the fire and pull the curtains, alright?"

He kissed Hikaru again, then stood and walked to the hearth and threw a small log on the fire. He prodded the whole mess with the stoker, causing the small flame to leap up and burn more brightly. He made sure that the fire wouldn't die back down right away, then turned and crossed the room again to the window. He had just pulled the drapes when he heard a sound from behind him, like a strange gurgling in the back of the throat. He spun around so fast that he had to grab one of the drapery panels so that he wouldn't fall. When his eyes found Hikaru he felt as if his heart stopped.

His twin was sitting straight up on the chaise, his body stiff. His eyes were open wide, though they focused on nothing, and the expression on his face was a mixture of terror and pain. The blanket that had been covering him had fallen to the floor, and his skin, slick with a coat of sweat, seemed to give off a faint glow in the firelight. A long moment passed, in which Kaoru was sure that he'd stopped breathing as well, then suddenly his brother's mouth dropped open and he let out a shriek that echoed against the paneled walls and high ceiling of the room, filling it with his torment.

"Hikaru!" Kaoru rushed forward and wrapped his arms around his twin, trying to comfort him. Hikaru just screeched again and threw his brother off him. Kaoru crashed into the tea table, spilling the water all over the floor and himself. He landed hard on his hands and knees on the hard wood floor, but he didn't pay any attention to his own pain. His head jerked around to look at Hikaru, and what he saw almost made him scream in fright.

Hikaru's eyes looked glossed over and dead, though tears streamed down his face. He opened his mouth in another cry, and Kaoru watched in horror as his brother's incisors grew in length by one... two inches. His red hair was growing out of control and looked more like a lion's mane than human hair. When the hair began springing up in patches all over his body, Hikaru let out a low growl that no human could ever have achieved and began clawing at his skin, trying to rip the hair out. It didn't work, only resulting in large gashes along his arms as his nails had grown into sharp, talon like claws. He fell forward shivering, his entire body seeming to grow in a grotesque way. When he sat up again, his face had lost all human quality to it. Instead of a nose and mouth he had a snout similar to a wolf's.

He howled.

"Hikaru..." Kaoru breathed, feeling tears flow down his own cheeks.

Hikaru's lifeless eyes turned on his brother then, and another low growl rumbled deep inside his throat. For a long moment they stared at each other, both of them completely still. Finally Kaoru moved, his body shaking uncontrollably as he got slowly to his knees. Hikaru watched him silently, still not moving though the fur on his back was standing on end. Kaoru felt like each breath he took was trying to choke him as he hesitantly reached forward and brushed his hand across the his brother's furry paw lightly. For a second it seemed like things would be okay, but then...

Hikaru gave a loud screech and Kaoru jerked his hand back. The paw he had stroked swung back, then fell on him so hard that he felt like he'd been hit by a baseball bat. The force was enough to cause him to spin around and land again on his hands and knees on the hard floor. He coughed once, blood spilling out of his mouth. He heard Hikaru rise from the chaise behind him and turned to look over his shoulder just in time to see the paw swing at him again, this time with claws unsheathed. The swipe across his back didn't register at first, but then it seemed to burst into flames as his nervous system caught the searing pain. Kaoru fell forward onto the floor with a scream. He could feel the blood soaking what remained of his shirt as he tried to sit up.

"Hikaru..." he cried, "Hikaru!"

His brother snarled directly above him, and Kaoru knew that if he couldn't reach Hikaru, that Hikaru would kill him. Using all the strength he could muster, he flipped over and flung his arms around Hikaru's midsection.

"Hikaru!" he buried his face in his brother's fur. "Hikaru, it's me! It's Kaoru... Please, Hikaru. You don't want to do this!"

Hikaru growled, but he made no move to attack again.

Kaoru looked up into his brother's now canine face. "It's okay," he said gently. "It's okay, Hikaru. I'm here; I won't leave you alone. You don't have to be afraid...."

There was a long pause, then finally the life slowly seeped back into Hikaru's eyes. Kaoru realized, as he gazed into his brother's face, that his eyes were the only human thing left about him. He felt tears sting his eyes again, but he refused to let them overflow. Instead he attempted to stand up, but the motion caused another wave of fire across the gashes on his back and he stumbled. Strong appendages caught him before he hit the floor, and he looked up to see Hikaru staring at him with concern. Kaoru placed a hand on his brother's chest, feeling the beating of his heart. He realized that his heart must still be human, too.

As Hikaru awkwardly helped him sit on the chaise he noticed that reddish-orange fur on his brother's arms was covered in a much darker red. The cuts he had made earlier were still leaking blood. Hikaru noticed where he was looking and started licking the wounds on one arm.

"They need to be bandaged," Kaoru said softly.

Hikaru gave him a puzzled expression that might have made his twin laugh had the situation been different. Instead Kaoru slipped off his sandals, undid the fastening of his pants, and pulled them off, trying not to wince at the pain. He needed cloth to bind the wounds, and the fabric of his shirt was already soaked with blood. He held them up to Hikaru.

"Can you tear these in half?"

His brother stared at them for a second before grabbing them the best he could in his paws and ripping them apart. He handed them back to Kaoru and watched him curiously. Kaoru motioned for his twin to hold out one of his arms, which was done obediently. He looked sadly at the gouges then leaned forward and kissed one softly, eliciting a groan from his brother. He looked up and smiled apologetically, then set to wrapping the strips of fabric that were once his pants around the wounds on each arm. When he was finished, Hikaru looked at them. He growled softly, though not aggressively.

"You're welcome," Kaoru said with a smile, after which he sneezed. He'd been so caught up with Hikaru's rampage that he'd forgotten about himself. Now that it had calmed down a bit, though, he remembered that he'd dumped the basin of water on himself. He looked down at his boxers, which were clinging to him in that way that wet fabric does. He sighed.

Hikaru made a sort of questioning snort.

"My clothes are wet," Kaoru replied. "I'm going to lay them out by the fire to dry."

He stood up slowly and shuffled gingerly across the floor to the hearth, his brother watching him with what Kaoru was sure a worried expression. He smiled to himself as he pushed his boxers off and laid them out on the stones of the fireplace, trying to ignore the pain. Pulling off his shirt was a bit more difficult, as the motions of his arms contorted the wounds on his back and sent fire down his spine, but in the end he managed. He heard Hikaru whimper as he dropped the shirt unceremoniously to the floor.

"Don't worry," he said as he made the slow return to the chaise, digging his nails into his palms to keep from wincing. "It doesn't really hurt." He had a feeling that Hikaru knew he was lying.

When he sat down he noticed that his brother was looking at him oddly. It didn't take terribly long for him to find out why, either, as several seconds later Hikaru's nose was between his legs sniffing his penis. Kaoru blinked, not really sure what to think, but soon he started giggling. His brother had whiskers now, and they were ticking the inside of his thighs. Hikaru stopped and looked up at him. Kaoru was just about to tell him that it tickled, but he didn't get the chance as his twin's large tongue slipped over his groin.

"AH!" Kaoru cried out in surprise.

He wasn't sure which surprised him more, however: the fact that Hikaru had done it in the first place, or the fact that he actually liked it. As it was, he was becoming hard, and Hikaru noticed. His brother's tongue darted out again, licking his length. His tongue was rough, almost like a cat's. Kaoru let out another gasp, which was returned with another lick. He was fully erect now, and Hikaru rewarded him with yet another sweep of his tongue. Kaoru moaned.


Something shifted in Hikaru's eyes then and he pulled Kaoru off the chaise so fast that the younger wasn't sure what exactly had happened. He landed yet again on his hands and knees on the floor, but this time there was something to distract him from his discomfort. Hikaru's own erection stood before him, larger than most humans'. The sight of it caused a mixture of dread and excitement to merge in his stomach. He looked up at his brother. Hikaru's breath came in snuffs and pants, and it wasn't very hard for Kaoru to grasp that a part of the beast had taken over again.

Quick as lightening, Hikaru bounded to the other side of his brother and began sniffing Kaoru's behind. Kaoru almost started giggling again, but it was promptly cut off by a gasp as Hikaru's tongue ran across his anus. He fell forward onto his elbows when his brother did it again. A thought at the back of his head decided that his twin was just testing things out, but that didn't change the fact that it felt incredible. A moan escaped him as Hikaru's curious tongue pushed inside of him.

"Hikaru..." he pleaded.

Again Hikaru wasted no time. His entry was rough and caused Kaoru to cry out in pain, and he gave his twin no time to get used to the feeling before he began moving inside him. Kaoru bit his lip, feeling tears in his eyes again, but he did nothing to stop his brother. He had decided that he'd deal with the pain that Hikaru's change caused him, whatever it was, but after a few thrusts it didn't matter much. The pain was still there, of course, but Kaoru's cries shifted from those of hurt to those of pleasure. Each time Hikaru pushed into him the sensual feeling became stronger.

"Oh, god..." he moaned. "Hikaru!"

Kaoru rested his weight on one arm and reached the other back to grab his own erection. Hikaru's paws were on his hips, and he could feel the tips of his claws digging into his flesh, but it didn't matter. The force of his brother's thrusts pushed his penis against his hand without much actual effort on his own part. He gasped and groaned with each movement, his body instinctively moving along with his brother's. He suddenly felt Hikaru's teeth on his shoulder, but the bite wasn't hard enough to cause him any sort of pain among the pleasurable sensations that kept running along his spine like electrical pulses.

"Hi... Hikaru! Hikaru.. Hi.. Hi..."

Hikaru became more primal with each thrust, and his teeth dug farther into Kaoru's flesh. The pressure in Kaoru's body grew increasingly unbearable, and he called out his twin's name over and over, though he wasn't really aware that he was doing so. Finally his brother's canines pierced his skin as Hikaru came, filling Kaoru with hot semen. Kaoru cried out loudly as he came shortly after, too lost in the sex to notice the pain. His sticky orgasm spurted onto the floor as he gasped. The pair of them fell sideways onto the floor, and there they lay still for a long while, Hikaru's length still buried inside his twin.

Kaoru decided, hours later after the moon had set and Hikaru had returned to normal, that perhaps his brother's monthly change wasn't going to be such a bad thing after all.

boys' love, incest, beastiality, non-con, ouran highschool host club

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