
Jun 26, 2007 03:14

Part two has actually followed part one fairly quickly... Will wonders never cease. This one is just the events that take place on Kaoru's end. Also, this has gone from a two part fic to a three part fic, though I don't know when part three will be written. There's another request at the kink meme I'm considering doing, so... ya know. Anywho, enjoy!

Kyouya/Kaoru, masturbation. Rating: R.

He was all the way home before he realized he didn't have it. He looked through his book bag twice, but the workbook he needed to study for his French test the next day was nowhere to be found. He cursed thoroughly and kicked the wall before thinking to look in Hikaru's bag. Of course, it wasn't there either. He sighed, running his hand through his hair, and called for a car to go back to the school. He racked his brain trying to figure out where he'd had it last.

"You could always borrow mine," his brother suggested.

"You need yours."

"We could share."

"You're slower at studying than I am."

Hikaru made a face, then shrugged it off. "You want me to come with you?"

"No. I'll be fine. It's just a quick trip back to the school, right?"

"Where'd you leave it?"

"Club room, I think."

"Well, be careful."

The car came then, and he flashed a smile at his twin that they both knew was just meant to humour Hikaru's worry. He promised he be careful and gave a little wave, then climbed into the backseat of the vehicle and settled in. He tried very hard not to glare at the driver or to push his annoyance onto the man. It wasn't the chauffeur's fault that he had left the book he needed to study for a test at school. It didn't work quite well, as the man gave him a nervous smile, then proceeded to keep checking his mirror to look at him during the short trip. This only served to annoy him more, but he tried his best not to show it anymore than he already was.

When they reached the school a little while later, he told the driver he'd only be a minute and then darted into the building. Up the central stairs he went, thinking back over the day just to be sure that he had left it where he thought it was. Yeah... He'd taken it out to go over something with Haruhi during a break in the hosting activities, so it had to be there. He topped the stairs and turned down a hallway, then down another. At the end of this hall was a little door which lead to the small room adjacent to the main salon of the music room.

Upon opening the door he saw exactly what he had come for. It was lying there, plain as day, on top of a little round table made of overly polished wood. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the table, laying his hand on top of the workbook and pausing to look at the arrangement of French wildflowers that sat neatly in a vase beside it. It was always so noisy during club activities that he didn't really have time to notice things like this, and now that there was a blanket of quiet over the place he found himself able to appreciate the beauty.

He was halfway bent down to sniff the blossoms when a sound from the main room made his body freeze. It had sounded very much like a moan. Slowly he turned his head towards the opening between the two rooms, his eyes wide. There were two couches near the doorway that faced each other, and on the one farthest from him, the one that was actually facing him, was a sight that he would never have imagined, even in his wildest dreams.

Ootori Kyouya was doubled over, his shirt unbuttoned, his pants undone, his...

There was a chair beside the little table whose back faced the salon, and he thankfully sat down in it as quickly and as quietly as humanly possible. What had he just seen? He wasn't sure he could believe it... Kyouya-senpai was in the other room giving himself... oral sex? He blinked at this thought, then slowly peeked over the back of the chair into the other room. Sure enough, Kyouya's tongue darted out and tasted the head of his own penis. Slowly he sank back down in the chair, one hand absently tugging at a lock of his hair.

He had absolutely no idea why Kyouya was in the music room giving himself oral sex (nor had he known that Kyouya could give himself oral sex), but he did know one thing: he needed to get out of there. If Kyouya noticed he was there, his wrath could be very bad. Just as he was about to get up and sneak away, however, a sound wafted by his ears that cemented him in place.

It was his name.

For a moment he felt panicky, thinking that Kyouya had somehow figured out he was there. This soon passed, however, when a piece of logical thought realized that it had been said with a sort of breathy desire. Still he did not move, and a moment or so later he heard it again. His breath quickened and he was painfully aware that an erection of his own was rising between his legs.

Kyouya-senpai, the Kyouya-senpai, was on a couch behind him masturbating... over him.

The moans and gasps that tickled his ears soon became more earnest, and the frequency he heard his name increased, though it wasn't always understandable. He knew that Kyouya was reaching his climax, and this thought did nothing for the growing pressure between his legs. Several times he had to bite his lip to hold back a moan of his own, and it took him a bit to realize that the reason for this was because he had been unconsciously rubbing his clothed erection with the palm of his hand. He folded his arms across his chest and crossed his legs, trying hard not to let his situation worsen.

Suddenly there was a loud gasp from behind him, followed by the thump of body hitting carpet and Kyouya coughing. He whimpered despite himself, then decided that he better use the opportunity to escape. He bolted back through the door which he had come through and down the stairs. The chauffeur was waiting for him, and he was suddenly very thankful that his uniform jacket was just long enough to help conceal the bulge in his slacks, as the slacks themselves were shite at hiding anything. He sat in the backseat with his legs crossed and didn't say a thing to the driver the entire way home.

When he walked in the door the first people he ran into were the twin maids that waited on him and his brother.

"You're just in time, Young Master" they said in unison. "You bath is ready."

He had never been happier to hear those words in his entire life. He bolted up the stairs to the floor where his and Hikaru's bathroom lay and sprinted down the wall towards the door. He passed by his brother, who had apparently just finished his own bath, and gave him a wave and a quick "I'm back" without actually stopping. When he slipped into the bathroom he made sure to lock the door securely behind him, then collapsed onto the marble floor, panting.

The throbbing between his legs hadn't subsided in the slightest, and it was almost as if he could still hear Kyouya's breathy moans in his head.

He moaned and pushed himself away from the door and then to his feet. His body felt very hot as he shed his coat and tie, his shoes and socks, his shirt. He paused then, fingering the buckle of his belt. He shouldn't feel this apprehensive. All he had to do was jerk off quickly and be done with it, but for some reason he felt like a swarm of butterflies was fluttering in his abdomen. He shook his head and took a breath, then slipped the leather from the buckle and undid the button of his pants, then pushed them and his boxers down at the same time.

He did his best to ignore his erection, but the large floor to ceiling mirror that took up most of one wall made that pretty much impossible. He whimpered a bit at the back of his throat at seeing it, then proceeded to quickly enter the shower and turn the knob. Hot water streamed out of the shower heads, spraying all over his body and causing the heat between his legs to become ever more present.

He couldn't stand it anymore. He leaned his forehead against the cool tile and wrapped his fingers around his penis. He hesitated for about a second before moving his arm, stroking his length. Up and down his hand went, setting into a kind of irrational rhythm. His breath became shallow as steam rose around him. Images of Kyouya filled his mind, making the movement of his
hand more frantic.

"Kyouya... sen... pai..."

He fell to his knees then, a gasp escaping his lips. He used his freehand to reach underneath, pressing one finger inside his opening. He arched his back forward, the hand stroking his penis slipping for a moment. He recovered, however, and managed to slip another finger inside of himself without any problem. He worked the fingers inside his anus in tandem with with the one moving along his length. His moan seemed to echo against the tiled walls of the shower, and suddenly a realization came to him.

He wanted Kyouya to be doing this to him.

"Kyou... Kyouyaa... senpai... Ah!"

He came with a gasp, his body leaning back stiffly. Sticky semen spurted out onto the tiles. He bit his bottom lip hard as he fell forward again, panting. Yes... he wanted Kyouya to do that to him.

A few minutes later, after he his breathing had calmed and he had washed the evidence of his orgasm down the drain, he frowned. Hair half lathered, he had another realization.


His French workbook was still on the overly polished wood table in the third music room.

boys' love, masturbation, ouran highschool host club

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