Daruma-san Falls Down!

Dec 19, 2011 16:59

Rie was supposed to be a one-shot character, but I liked the ideas I got dealing with her interaction with Hikaru and Akira. Forgive me my OC? Anywho, since the first one was Child's Game, subsequent fics with her will be titled after actual children's games. (I have one and a half more planned...)

In this one, Hikaru and Akira are working on moving in with each other, but they can't seem to decide on a place to stay! More random slice-of-life stuff. It's a Christmas fic, too, though that's rather secondary to everything else.

Also! This is what happens when I spend too much time reading the Gravitation Megamixes before I actually write my sex scene! Thank you, Murakami-sama, for some good ideas. Just so you know, this fic contains a seme-uke!Akira. Enjoy~

Hikaru/Akira; Rating: R

Edit, 12/28/2011: After an extensive online search, I discovered that apparently Hikaru's birthday is in September, so I have adjusted the age accordingly.

At the age of twenty-three I could honestly say that I had just about everything I could want in my life. I had my little sister, sixteen years my junior, who I took care of as if she were my daughter. I had my lover, Touya Akira, who had taken the initiative and confessed his feelings the August of that year. And, of course, I had my go, which, though he had already moved on from my consciousness, kept Sai close to me each time I played.

Though it had only been several months since Touya and I had become an official, though quiet, couple, we decided that it would be nice if we could live together. The both of us being go professionals, as well as the fact that I had Rie, tended to mean that we didn't have a lot of free time with each other, and we hoped living under the same roof would help rectify the situation. There was, however, quite a bit of back and forth concerning where we should live.

Christmas that year was stressful...


"Your apartment is small, Shindou," Akira sighed. "It's fine for just you and Rie-chan, but once you add another person to the equation it will be too cramped!"

Hikaru glared at him. "So why does that mean Rie and I should come and live at your house?"

Akira sighed again and pushed the food on his plate around with his fork. The pair of them were at a family restaurant on one of the few dates they ever managed to have. They had opted to use the time to discuss moving in together, so strewn about the table were several books containing rental properties. Because of this, though, what should have been a nice time spent together was quickly dissolving into yet another argument over their future living arrangements.

"My house has space for everyone," Akira said. "It's quiet and calm, and there is a yard that Rie-chan can play in."

Hikaru stuffed a French fry in his mouth. "Touya, have you told your parents?" he asked.

Akira stared are his plate. "Told them what?"

"You know what!" Hikaru huffed. "That their precious only son is in a relationship with another man!"

Touya took a very long drink of his tea, sipping it slowly up through the straw. Hikaru couldn't help thinking that, had the conversation been a little less important, this stalling method would have been kind of cute. As it was, though, it just annoyed him. He already knew the answer to his question; he simply needed Touya to face it.

"They don't know," Hikaru finally answered his own question. "They don't know that you're with me, but you want my sister and me to go live with you in their house?"

"I'm going to tell them, you know," Akira said.

"When?" Hikaru asked with a sigh. "When they come home one day and find us naked in bed together?"

Akira turned bright pink. "Shi-Shindou!"

Hikaru leaned back in the booth and folded his arms across his chest. "And, you know, just because you tell them you're with me doesn't mean that they'll accept it."

"My parents already like you," Akira pointed out.

"Yeah, as your friend and rival in go," Hikaru countered. "That isn't the same as being your bedmate, and you know it."

Akira flushed a deeper shade of red. "Well, what do you want to do, then?" he asked, obviously exasperated. He waved his hand over the table, indicating the rental property ads. "We can't come to an agreement on any of the listings. Your place is too small. Mine is big enough, but it's my parents' house. At this rate, we might as well give up!"

Hikaru frowned and allowed his arms to droop. Somehow his body suddenly felt very heavy. "Maybe we should..." he said, his voice barely audible over the din of the restaurant.

Touya's face contorted with anger. He stood up abruptly, grabbed his coat, and stalked away from the table. Hikaru called after him, but he knew it wouldn't do any good. He had gone too far, said something unnecessary, and he knew that, at the moment, what Touya needed was space.

After a while, Hikaru stood and dropped the money for the unfinished meal onto the table. He grabbed his own jacket and headed out into the cold December evening. As he walked towards his bus stop he couldn't help but sigh again. It was true that his place was small. His first apartment away from home had been a simple one room apartment near the Go Institute. When his parents died, however, and he had to take Rie, he had scrambled to get a place with separate rooms for them. He'd wanted to stay near the Institute, though, so he ended up taking the first two-bedroom apartment he could find, regardless of the size.

To move into Touya's home, though, seemed a bit much. It was true that Hikaru liked the place, but no matter how you looked at it, it was still the home of Touya Kouyo and his wife. Though they were rarely home anymore, as they were often in China or Korea for the Meijin's go, they did come home every so often. If they didn't accept his and Touya's relationship, it would cause problems.

Shivering as he waited for the bus, Hikaru reflected on the scene with his grandfather a couple of weeks ago. When he and Touya had first decided to live together, he had the thought of asking the old man for some advice. This did, of course, entail that Hikaru reveal that he and Touya were lovers. He had hoped that his grandfather, being an open type of guy considering his age, would be able to accept it.

He hadn't spoken to his grandfather since.

He also hadn't told Touya about the incident. It had been his choice to tell his grandfather about their relationship. It had been his grandfather's choice to reject said relationship. The last thing Hikaru wanted was for Touya to feel guilty about it, and he was pretty sure that if he told his boyfriend about it, that is exactly how Touya would feel.

When Hikaru finally made it home, he was greeted by a bright-eyed six year old waiting for him in the entryway of the apartment.

"Welcome home, Hikaru-nii," she said cheerfully.

Hikaru slipped off his shoes. "I'm back," he said. "Why are you sitting by the door? You'll catch a cold!"

"I'm fine," Rie said, waving her hand dismissively. "Anyway, where's Touya-nii-sensei?"

Hikaru sighed. Of course she hadn't been waiting for him. Usually when he went out with Touya they would end up back at Hikaru's apartment. Since Rie was such a fan of Touya's, she was always thrilled when he came over and would hang around him as if she were a second shadow. Touya was generally good spirited about it, but sometimes Hikaru had to wonder if it was okay that his sister was so attached to him.

"He's not coming tonight," Hikaru informed her.

Rie's face clouded over with a pout. "Why not? What did you do?!"

Hikaru strode past her into living room and knelt down by his goban. "Why do you think I did something?"

Rie walked over and stood by the goban like a looming spirit. "Then why didn't he come?"

"He doesn't always come," Hikaru pointed out as he began laying out stones. To relieve stress he had decided to recreate the first game that came to mind, which turned out to be the first one Sai had played against Touya. He found it somehow fitting considering how his evening was going.

"Ah, Hikaru. Welcome home," Akari's voice came from the hallway.

Hikaru gave her a little wave, though his eyes didn't leave the goban "I'm home," he said absently.

Akari sighed. "I'm going to head out, then," she said. "Rie-chan, don't forget to pick your toys up, okay?"

Rie turned on her heel and stalked towards her room. "Stupid Hikaru-nii!" she spat as she disappeared into the hallway.

"What was that about?" Akari asked.

Hikaru sighed. "She's mad because Touya didn't come home with me tonight."

"You guys have a fight?"

Hikaru blinked and looked up from the goban. "What's with you two? He doesn't always come over afterwards!"

Akari squatted down beside Hikaru. "Oh? When was the last time he didn't come?"

Hikaru fingered the stone in his hand as he tried to remember. "Uhm..."

Akari cocked her head and gave her friend a bemused smile. "Every time you guys go out he ends up here," she said. "He comes and plays go with Rie and... whatever else you two do. That isn't my business. You being distress is, though. What happened?"

Hikaru sighed, letting the stone drop from between his fingers and back into the bowl. He really had said something unnecessary to Touya. Pushing whether he was out with his parents or not was one thing, but suggesting that they give up on living together just because they were having trouble deciding on a place really was too much. Using both against him in one sitting was a low blow, Hikaru knew.

"We're fighting because of the move," Hikaru said finally, checking to make sure Rie was still out of the room. They had decided not to tell her until the plans were more concrete. "I said maybe we should forget about it..."

"Uwah... No wonder he didn't come," Akari said, settling herself into a cross-legged position.

Hikaru sighed again. "I didn't mean it!"

"I know," Akari assured him, patting his hand. "I'm sure Touya-kun knows it, too... But it still must hurt to hear something like that from your lover."

Hikaru cringed a bit. He had no issue at all with Touya being his lover, but hearing someone else refer to him as such was still a little odd. "Akari, do you really not care that I'm dating Touya? You don't find us disgusting or morally degenerate?"

Akari actually laughed. "I will admit, at first I was upset. I used to be in love with you, you know."

Hikaru blushed and went back to placing stones for the game.

Akari continued, "But I got over it. It doesn't matter that he's another guy as long as he makes you happy, right?"

Hikaru placed the next stone, letting his fingertip linger on its smooth surface. "I wish Jii-chan could see it like you do..."


"I told him him. About Touya and me," Hikaru said. "I used the move as an excuse to tell him..."


Hikaru could feel the tears welling up in his eyes and tried to blink them away. "He told me that I was a disgrace to my mom and dad," he told her. "Said that until I came to my senses and found a nice girl to marry that I wasn't welcome in his home anymore."

Akari shifted again, this time to put her arms around Hikaru's shoulders. She was warm and her presence was comforting. As she held him, Hikaru let his emotions out, sobbing quietly in her embrace. She didn't say anything while he did so, but instead simply stroked his hair gently. He hadn't reacted much to his grandfather's denouncement of his relationship, save having a loud row with the old man when it happened, and it seemed that the tears had been brewing for the entire two weeks since.

Several minutes passed after he had exhausted his tears before he pulled away from his friend. He sighed a bit, then said, "I'm terrified that Touya's parents will react like Jii-chan."

Akari frowned indignantly. "That batty old man!" she said loudly. "Saying such mean things and causing you so much worry."

"Akari..." Hikaru was startled by her outburst.

Akari sighed. "I can't say whether Touya-kun's parents will be unreasonable or not, but I can tell how much you love him. If he loves you the same, then you two can--"

"Rie!" Hikaru cut Akari off. His sister was lurking in the archway of the hall.

Akari twisted a bit so she could see the little girl. "Oh, Rie-chan," she said with a smile. "Did you finished putting away your toys?"

Rie shuffled into the living room and stood in front of her brother, taking his face in her small hands. "Why was Hikaru-nii crying...?" she asked.

Hikaru took her hands and pulled her into his lap. "Nothing for Rie to worry about," he said, giving her a small smile and ruffling her short hair.

Rie looked up at him, her face showing that she was totally unconvinced. "If Hikaru-nii is sad because he made Touya-nii-sensei mad, then Hikaru-nii should just say sorry, ne?"

Hikaru forced a little laugh. "Ah..." he agreed.

"Ne, Rie-chan," Akari spoke up. "It's almost time for bed. Come on, I'll help you with your bath, okay?"

"Awwe, but I'm not sleepy yet!" Rie protested with a yawn.

Hikaru set her upright. "You have school tomorrow. Be good for Akari and go to bed, okay?"

Akari took Rie's hand and led her back down the hall to the bathroom. Once they were gone, Hikaru returned his attention to the board in front of him. He hadn't been able to see this game for what it was when he first held the stones for Sai to play, but his mentor had helped him recreate it after Hikaru was aware enough to be able to appreciate it. Sai had played shidougo with Touya the first time. His hands had been firm, yet gentle, and through them Hikaru had seen just how much he had loved this game. Ah, how Hikaru wished he could explain things to his love with the same grace Sai had spoken his heart through this game...

* * * * *

A week and a half passed before Hikaru got to see Touya again. They had had no matches together, and Hikaru hadn't even seen his rival's face around the Institute. Touya wasn't answering his calls, either, but since Hikaru had games and other work to deal with and Rie to care for, he just didn't have the time to do anything about it. As such, he wafted around the Institute with such an air of gloom over him that the only ones who really spoke to him were his friends, and even then there wasn't sufficient substance for conversation.

Hikaru couldn't stand not seeing Touya however. He knew he had said some awful things, but this fight had gone on long enough. His heart ached to see his lover, so on Christmas Eve he found himself standing at the gate of Touya's traditionally Japanese house. For a while he just stood there in the cold, soaking up the view of the Touya home. The house was large and the grounds had lots of bamboo and other greenery. It really was a nice place, and it didn't take long to get to the Institute from it, either.

Living in that house with Touya wouldn't be so bad, but Hikaru couldn't shake the feelings of loneliness and desperation that had plagued him since the conversation with his grandfather. He knew that Touya planned to eventually tell his parents anyway, but Hikaru didn't want them moving in together to force it. He couldn't stand the idea of his boyfriend getting hurt the same way he had.

Finally he took a breath and pushed the little call button on the gate.

Shortly Touya's voice came over the intercom. "Yes?"

Hikaru's body was trembling, and he didn't think it was just because he was cold. "Touya, it's me..."

There was a long pause before Akira responded. "It's open," he said.

Hikaru pushed open the gate and made his way across the stone walkway up to Touya's house. Touya wasn't waiting for him at the door, so Hikaru slipped inside and shed his shoes, then went in search of his lover. He found him in the main room sitting on a cushion beside the window. Though it wasn't particularly late, the winter sun had long set and Touya's frame was now glowing white from the moonlight that washed over his slender frame. He was wearing a kimono, too, of soft, seasonal colours that suited him perfectly. His hair was pulled up into a ponytail, which made his neck seem longer, as if it were in a painting. The elegance of the sight took Hikaru's breath away.

"Touya..." Hikaru said, kneeling beside him.

Akira shifted his gaze from the scene outside to Hikaru's face. "Shindou, I--"

Hikaru put a finger to his lover's lips. "It's my fault. I shouldn't have said those things to you, and I'm sorry."

Akira tilted his head a bit, then gave a short chuckle. "Ah, it isn't like I'm innocent," he said. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you, Shindou. I was just acting childishly..."

Hikaru sighed, then reached over and took Touya's hand in his. "I don't care anymore," he said. "I've missed you so much. I know I want to be with you, and I'm sure we can find a place to live together... but right now I don't want to worry about that." He leaned forward and kissed Touya's cheek. "Right now I want to hold you..."

Akira gave a melodramatic sigh. "Not even two weeks passed and you already can't stand it?" he teased.

"I-is that a problem?" Hikaru asked somewhat indignantly, blushing from ear to ear.

Touya leaned forward and kissed him so deeply that Hikaru's head seemed to empty of everything except the pale sound of moonlight. Hikaru could feel his lover's body heat, could almost hear the sound of his heart. Or was that Hikaru's own? He wasn't sure, but he did know that every nerve in his body seemed to be at attention, and his entire body screamed with the desire to taste every bit of Touya's passion.

"Not in the slightest," Akira breathed when he finally let go of the kiss.

Hikaru pressed his lips to Touya's again. He pulled his lover close to him, slipping the kimono of his shoulders. Though his body was warm, the surface of Touya's skin was cool. Hikaru's fingers danced across his partner's soft flesh, causing the other man to shiver against his touch. Soon he let his hands drop lower, pushing aside the folds of fabric in search of his lover's cock. To his surprise, though, Touya grabbed his hands and pulled away from the kiss.

"Let me tonight," he said.

Hikaru couldn't hide his surprise. "You're being awfully forward today," he said.

"Is that a problem?" Akira asked, pushing Hikaru gently to the tatami. He slid his hands slowly down his partner's body, then settled on dealing with the fastenings of Hikaru's jeans. Once he had freed his lover's erection, he leaned down and ran his tongue over the very tip, causing Hikaru to shiver.

"Not in the slightest," Hikaru moaned, lifting his hips so that Touya could strip his lower half. "It's just unusual..."

Akira leaned over Hikaru and gave him an impish smile. "You aren't the only one who has gone without this past week and a half, you know," he said.

Touya settled himself back between Hikaru's legs and sucked his lover's cock into his mouth. Hikaru moaned again, arching his back. He let his hands travel down and find their way to Touya's soft hair. He slipped his fingers among the strands, doing his best to not pull out the ponytail. He rather liked it when Touya tied his hair up.

Suddenly he felt a pressure between his legs that he wasn't used to. For a moment he panicked, but Touya's gentle touch helped calmed him back down. The feeling of his lover's finger slipping inside him was odd, as he'd always been the one entering, not being entered, but he couldn't say he hated the sensation. He felt Touya's finger curl a bit inside him, and he gasped so loudly that the sound echoed off the shouji.

Akira pulled off him, looking down at his lover in concern. "Are you okay? Did it hurt?"

Hikaru shook his head "no." "B-but..." he panted, "going to... c-come... soon."

"So, then, did it feel good?" Akira asked as he pulled his finger out. He then untied the belt of his kimono and let the garment drop off his body.

"Do you really... have to ask?" Hikaru pulled on Touya's wrist. "Come on..."

"Yes, yes," Akira sighed, straddling Hikaru's hips. "Don't move too soon, though, okay?"

Hikaru watched as Touya lowered himself slowly onto his cock. There was little resistance, which made part of him wonder when it was that Touya had prepared himself. He didn't really care, though. He groaned as more of him slid into his partner, relishing in the erotic face that Touya was making. His lover was being so sexy that it was very, very hard for Hikaru to refrain from simply bucking his hips up and plunging into him. He was determined, though, to let Touya have this at his pace. Him being forward really was uncommon, but it was refreshing and Hikaru found that he rather liked it.

Finally Touya came to rest, panting slightly with Hikaru's length buried deep inside. Hikaru waited for a little while, but when Touya didn't make another move he jerked his hips slightly. Touya gasped and fell forward, his hands on either side of Hikaru's head and their faces inches apart.

"Oi..." Akira breathed.

Hikaru stroked his cheek. "Sorry," he said softly. "You feel so good that it's almost unbearable to not move..."

"Pervert..." Akira teased.

Hikaru pushed up again, causing Touya to moan loudly. "And you're not?" he asked. "So tight around me... And your making a mess on my stomach, too."

Akira blushed. "Sh-shut up," he said.

Hikaru couldn't help himself. "Anyone who saw your go would be shocked to know you can be this cute," he grinned.

Touya tried to glower at him, but Hikaru merely move inside him again. Touya groaned, dropping his forehead to Hikaru's shoulder. Hikaru wrapped his arms around his lover, but decided he wouldn't do anything more until Touya asked him to.

He didn't have to wait long.

"Shindou..." Akira breathed, his voice tickling his partner's ear. "Please..."

Hikaru trailed his hands down Touya's body, coming to rest on his hips, then thrust upwards. Touya pushed into his movements, as well, and soon the pair of them were moving in tandem, their mutual cries of passion serving to heighten the arousal of both of them. Hikaru was already close to his orgasm, having been teased so much by his lover, but he bit his lip in an attempt to try and hold out. He wanted to have Touya come almost as much as he wanted to do so himself, and he couldn't stand the thought of possibly leaving his partner unsatisfied.

He couldn't stand it much longer, though. Crying out Touya's name, his climax shot through his body like a surge of electricity. He came deep within his lover with a loud gasp, his fingers digging into Touya's flesh. As if on cue, Touya came right after, the thick liquid of his orgasm spilling onto Hikaru's partially bare stomach and getting the hem of his scrunched up shirt messy. He collapsed forward with a soft moan, and the both of them remained that way until their breathing had slowed to normal.

After they had cleaned up and had gotten dressed again, Touya having loaned Hikaru a clean shirt, they cuddled together by the windows in the main room. For a long time neither of them spoke, simply enjoying the peace of the night and the warmth of each other's company.

"Is Fujisaki-san expecting you back tonight?" Akira asked, finally breaking the silence.

"I don't think so," Hikaru replied. "When I told her I needed her to watch Rie so I could talk to you, she said she'd bring her overnight bag..."

Akira chuckled. "She's a good friend, isn't she?"

Hikaru shrugged. "Yeah, well..."

"Are you hungry?" Akira asked, sitting up. "We could order something in."

"Now that you mention it, I'm starving," Hikaru replied. "We can play while we wait, too."

"I'll go call, then," Akira said, standing up and heading towards the phone in the hallway. "Can you pull out the goban? It's just in that cabinet there."

Hikaru set out the board and stones, and when Touya came back from placing the order they settled down to play. The game progressed evenly for a while, neither of them saying much. The food arrived shortly before they entered yose, so they took a break to eat. Touya had ordered them both beef donburi and some tea, which Hikaru tore into as soon as they knelt at the table.

"I told my parents about us," Akira said abruptly, taking a bite of his donburi.

Hikaru choked on his food. "Eh?"

Akira set his chopsticks down. "I told my parents," he repeated.

Hikaru took a drink of his tea so that he could breathe again. "W-why?" he coughed.

Akira shrugged. "I figured they had the right to know that their 'precious only son' is in a serious relationship with another man."

"But, I didn't mean for--"

"They're fine with it," Akira cut him off.

"Eh?" Hikaru blinked.

"Honestly," Akira huffed. "I said they're fine with it. Father is a little upset, but he said that as long as I was happy, he wouldn't stand in the way. Mother seems to just be pleased that I found something to catch my interest other than go."

Hikaru stared at his food, then sighed and took a bite. "I'm glad..." he said, his voice barely audible. "I was worried they would react badly."

"I know," Akira said, "which is why I went ahead and told them. And since they don't mind, now you can come live here."

Hikaru blinked, his chopsticks still in his mouth. "Wait, what?"

Akira nodded. "They're coming home for a week or so at the new year, to take a rest before Father's tournament in Taiwan. They're expecting you and Rie-chan to be here."


"You don't want to?" Akira asked, his voice sounding absolutely innocent. "Wasn't your fear of their disapproval the reason you rejected the idea? Since they don't mind, you don't have an excuse to not move in here."

Hikaru sighed, then let out a short laugh. "Stubborn as usual, aren't you? Alright, fine. I give in. We'll move in here."

Akira grinned triumphantly. "We can tell Rie-chan tomorrow then, yes?"

Hikaru rolled his eyes. "Remind me to get earplugs before we do. Something tells me she'll squeal with joy so loudly they'll be able to hear it in Osaka."

Akira laughed. "Okay, now that that's settled, let's finish eating. I want to get back to beating you in this game."

"Who's beating who now?" Hikaru scoffed. "I have at least a one and a half moku lead!"

They went back and forth for the rest of their meal, bickering over various moves. When they did get back to the goban, they played animatedly until the end and Hikaru won. He couldn't help but gloat a little, which prompted Touya to throw a cushion at his head.

Author's Note: Daruma-san Falls Down (達磨さんが転んだ, daruma-san ga koronda) is a game similar to "Red Light, Green Light."

boys' love, original character alert, hikaru no go

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