Child's Game

Dec 14, 2011 15:41

Bit o' News: I deleted the Scorpius/Albus tentacle fic because I was really, really not happy with it. However! I am replacing it with something much, much better. I also intend to rewrite it, so... yeah. Currently distracted by Hikaru/Akira, though.

Onward to the synopsis!

For some strange reason, I had the idea of giving Hikaru a little sister that he would have to be the guardian for. This did mean killing off his parents... Sorry to those who see his mother as a MILF.

Anywho, Hikaru is in love with Akira, but he has his sister, Rie, to care for. He thought he had tucked his unrequited love away somewhere until he catches Akira playing shidougo with Rie. Stuff ensues. Love and family and slice of life. And sex. There is sex.

Hikaru/Akira, rating: R

In the summer of my sixteenth year, my parents managed to have another baby. She was quite small and cute, and my grandfather named her Rie. I was excited for my baby sister, though it was odd to have such an age gap. Being a go professional with an erratic schedule, I didn't get to interact with her nearly as much as I wanted to at first, but that changed several months before she turned two years old.

One rainy day in May, my parents were out running errands when a trucker lost control. They didn't survive the collision. I took Rie in with me, to the objection of my grandparents. They couldn't argue too much over it, though. My career may give me odd hours, but I was young where they were not.

With the help of Akari and several of my other friends, I managed to raise Rie without much trouble. If I had overnight games out of town, Akari would stay with her. If I had games at home, I would take her to the Go Institute with me. I made sure to start teaching her the game as soon as she was old enough to hold the stones...

And so four years passed.


"Rie," Hikaru said, setting down a bowl of stones and a book of basic life or death problems beside his sister. "I have a game, so I will be busy for a little bit. Use this book and practice some, okay?"

Rie reached for the colorfully illustrated book immediately. "Okay, Hikaru-nii," she replied, her eyes scanning the pages as she looked for a problem to do.

Hikaru smiled and ruffled his sister's short hair. He had been so worried when he first started teaching her go that she wouldn't take to the game at all, but not only had she taken to it, she loved the game just as much as he did. Perhaps more. It was one reason he felt comfortable leaving her alone in the Institute. He knew that she would immerse herself in the game, and he usually came out to find her still pouring over the goban, no matter how long his games lasted.

"Remember, if you need anything, Tanaka-san is over at the counter," Hikaru said.

Rie simply grunted softly. Her small fingers were already playing over the stones in the bowls, setting about arranging the problem she had chosen to solve. Hikaru knew he wasn't going to get anything more from her than that, so he patted her head once more and headed off to his match. He waved a thank you at Tanaka as he passed.

Two hours and one win later, Hikaru emerged from the game room. He stretched his stiff limbs some, then grabbed his shoes and headed back to check on his sister. He assumed he'd find her still messing around with the tsumego book. She had uncanny concentration for the goban for someone her age and part of him was not looking forward to having to tell her it was time to go home.

Upon entering the public game room, however, he stopped dead in his tracks. Rie was still sitting at the goban, but across from her, about to place a white stone, was none other than Touya Akira.

Hikaru felt his heart skip a beat. He hadn't been able to interact much with Touya since he took to raising Rie. Since all of his spare time was spent on her, he had no time to go out to play at Touya Meijin's salon. The official games he had with Touya, too, were relatively few, and he usually didn't have time to socialize after they ended. He could not forget, however, the passion with which he had chased his rival into the world of go. He had come to the realization several years back that this passion had grown into love, but as Touya was a man and Hikaru had Rie anyway, he never did anything about it.

"Hikaru-nii!" Rie said when she spotted him. "Look! Touya-nii-sensei is playing shidougo with me!"

Hikaru walked over to stand beside her, willing his heart to stop trying to escape his chest. He didn't react like this when he played Touya in matches, but then again, he was always forcing himself to focus solely on the game at those times.

"Hello, Shindou," Akira said, setting his stone down with a gentle pa-chi.

Rie immediately lost interest in anything other than the board, a shift so strong that it was actually visible on her face. Touya smiled warmly at her, then glanced at Hikaru.

"I knew you were caring for your sister. I've seen this girl around here before, but I didn't make the connection that that's who she was," he said.

Hikaru nodded slightly, taking the chair beside Rie. "Remember, it isn't always best to over think your moves," he told her, then turned his attention to Touya. "Her name is Rie. I bring her here when I have games. The staff help me keep an eye on her, and sometimes Waya or Isumi-san will play with her if they're free."

Rie placed her stone. Hikaru glanced at its position and nodded in satisfaction. Her moves were often transparent and rough, but for someone her age she really did play rather well.

Akira placed his stone. "She's very cute, and her love for the game is refreshing. How old is she?"

"Six," Hikaru replied. "Six, and I feel she loves this game more than I do. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if she's his reincarnation..."

Akira blinked at him. "Who's reincarnation?"

Hikaru silently chided himself. "Ah... No one, no one. Anyway, 'Touya-nii-sensei?'"

"Touya-nii-sensei is amazing!" Rie interjected, setting down a black stone. "I see his picture in Weekly Go all the time."

"What about me?" Hikaru asked, pretending to sulk a little.

"Hikaru-nii is Hikaru-nii," his sister replied matter-of-factly.

Hikaru poked her lightly in the side of her head. "Hey, I'm a go pro, too, you know."

The sound of Touya's gentle laughter brought a new wave of butterflies to Hikaru's stomach. He felt his face flush warm and opted to stare at the goban in hopes that Touya wouldn't notice. He couldn't understand why he was acting this way and it was starting to annoy him a little. It was true that he'd fallen in love with Touya, but he thought he had come to terms with it enough that he could interact with the man without turning into a blushing school girl!

"You know, if you like I could come over one day and play shidougo with you again," Akira said as he made his move. "That is, if Shindou doesn't mind."

Rie dropped the stone she'd reached for back into the bowl. "Wai... Really?" She turned to her brother. "He can come, right, Hikaru-nii? Please, please!"

Hikaru coughed a bit, unsure if his voice would work. "Ah, I wouldn't want to trouble you..." he said.

"Hikaru-nii!" Rie whined.

Akira laughed again, a quiet display of amusement at Hikaru and Rie's antics. "It wouldn't be any trouble," he said. "Rie-chan is a good student, and playing her is fun. She can make some very interesting moves. She must play you a lot, Shindou."

"Every morning she plays with me," Hikaru told him, hoping he wasn't being too obvious about avoiding the topic of Touya visiting.

"My father and I used to play every morning, as well," Akira said. "Since he's been so busy since he retired, though, we can't always play like that anymore."

Hikaru chuckled. "It always amazes me that your father managed to end up playing even more go after retiring from being a professional player," he mused. "Do you still live at home?"

"Yes," Akira replied. "Father and Mother are home so rarely these days. It seemed a waste to pay rent for an apartment, and this way I can keep their house in good order, too."

Hikaru's heart was pounding in his ears. He was managing to hold a relatively normal conversation, but he felt that if this went on for too much longer that he might lose it and run screaming from the room. It seemed that years of repressing his feelings were all crashing down on him at once. It really did bug him and part of him wanted to take Rie and just go home, but he couldn't bring himself to be that rude, nor was he willing to be quite that mean to his little sister. She was obviously ecstatic about getting to play with Touya.

"What about Touya-nii-sensei coming for shidougo?" Rie asked.

Hikaru stifled a sigh. "Alright. Alright. If it isn't too much trouble for him, I guess it's okay."

"Wai!" Rie beamed. "When will you come, Touya-nii-sensei?

"Rie, don't be impatient," Hikaru scolded, bopping her lightly with his fan.

Akira pulled out a little day planner from his pocket and began flipping through the pages. "I'm actually free on Sunday. Would that be okay?"

Hikaru thought for a moment. "I have a shidougo session on Sunday, but I should be done before five."

"Sunday evening, then," Akira said. He pulled out a pen and made the note in his planner, an action that seemed to please Rie to no end.

Hikaru, however, wasn't sure what to make of the odd smile that flashed across Touya's lips as he wrote in the appointment. Had he imagined it?

"Ne, ne, Hikaru-nii, does that mean Touya-nii-sensei will eat with us, too?" Rie looked up at her brother with sparkling, expectant eyes.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose," Akira said, waving his hand slightly.

Hikaru glanced from him to his sister, whose expectant stare hadn't changed. "It's no trouble," he said, ruffling Rie's hair. "How about I meet you here around five and then we can go to my place. We'll eat and then you can play shidougo with Miss Demanding here."

Akira nodded, then glanced down at his watch. "That'll be fine. Ah, but I have to go. Sorry I can't finish our game right now, Rie-chan, but I'll play a full one with you on Sunday, okay?"

"Bai bai, Touya-nii-sensei!" Rie waved at him until he was out of visual range, then she turned back to her brother. "Touya-nii-sensei is going to teach me again! I can't wait until Sunday! How many days is it?"

Hikaru moved to take the seat across from his sister, conscious of the fact that it still retained Touya's body heat. "It's six days before Sunday," he said. "Place your stone so we can finish this game and go home."

"Uwah... Hikaru-nii has scary eyes," Rie said as she studied the board.

What the hell? What the hell? This day had started out so ordinary, but had somehow ended up with him arranging a date with Touya. The idea sent a wave of heat through his entire body, and suddenly he was grateful for Rie's unnatural ability to concentrate on the goban. He wasn't sure he could explain to his six year old sister why exactly it was that he was blushing so much.

Wait... He couldn't really call it a date, could he? Touya wasn't really coming to see him, after all. He had wanted to play shidougo with Rie. It couldn't be much different to him than teaching any other client. He probably sometimes had food at other places, too. Hikaru had been fed by his own clients on various occasions, so it wasn't particularly unusual. Somehow, though, these thoughts made Hikaru feel very lonely.

The shidougo was soon over, as Touya had played Rie almost into end-game. Once Hikaru was done explaining various moves to her, the pair of them headed out of the Institute. Hikaru had gotten an apartment close by, and as they walked he wondered what Sunday would be like. Would he be able to withstand Touya's presence without making an ass of himself? Anything that could go wrong was playing out in his mind like a bad movie. An air of gloom hung over him so much that Rie simply held his hand quietly. He knew she didn't understand, but the fact that she wanted to comfort him anyway made him feel better.

Six days, huh...

* * * * *

The days of the weeks passed much more quickly than Hikaru had anticipated. Before he knew it it was Sunday, and he was waiting outside the Go Institute for Touya to meet up with him. He kept fidgeting with his tie and trying to keep himself occupied by going over old games in his head.

Thankfully he didn't have to wait too long. Touya came trotting up to him not long after he had arrived. They exchanged greetings, then Hikaru led the way to his apartment. The pair walked along under an awkward silence, but Hikaru wasn't sure if he could trust himself not to say something foolish while they were alone.

He had been having trouble over it all week. It had been years since he realized that the feelings he had for Touya were more then just simple rivalry, and it seemed that the weight of all that time wanted to crush him. Part of him simply wanted to grab Touya's hand and confess his feelings, but he couldn't get over the fear that Touya would reject him since they were both male. He had Rie to think about, as well, and so he kept his hands firmly inside his pockets until they arrived at his building.

"We're home," Hikaru said as he opened his front door.

"Welcome back," came Akari's voice from the kitchen. She poked her head out and caught sight of Akira taking off his shoes. "Hello, Touya-kun. It's been a while." She bowed politely to him.

"Ah, good evening, Fujisaki-san," Akira replied with a smile, returning her bow.

Hikaru wasn't sure why, but it seemed to him that Touya tensed up upon seeing Akari, and his smile didn't quite make it to his eyes. Touya didn't appear to be acting oddly in any other regard, however, so he dismissed it as just his stress making him imagine things.

"Touya-nii-sensei!" Rie cried, running out of the hallway.

"Oi, oi! Don't run in the house!" Hikaru scolded as he tugged his tie off.

"Ne, Rie..." Akari said, squatting down beside the little girl. "Why is Touya-kun 'nii-sensei,' but I'm 'ba-chan?'"

"Ba-chan is Ba-chan," Rie said simply. "And Touya-nii-sensei is cool!"

"Hyuu..." Akari sighed as she stood back up. "Well, dinner is almost ready. You guys can have a seat at the table if you like. It won't be long."

They all sat down at the little square dining table. Conversation during the meal revolved mainly around go and various happenings at the Institute, with several interjected compliments aimed at Akari's cooking.

It was all going fairly normally until Hikaru accidentally brushed hands with Touya when they both reached for the soy sauce at the same time. He felt the blush rise to his face in an instant, his skin flushing so hot that he excused himself to the toilet for a minute so as to try and calm down. He sat in the bathroom, his hand on his chest as if trying to hold his heart in his chest. It seemed to him that if he didn't it might just explode from his body.

Honestly... This wasn't like him. He was somewhat angry with himself over the whole thing. He felt that he should have more control over himself, and the fact that the simple interactions he was having with Touya were causing his emotions to go haywire grated on his nerves.

He hadn't even had this much trouble when be first realised that he was in love with the man. His first game with Touya after he had accepting his own feelings had been rough; his unsettled emotions had given him a horrible loss, but it had only been the once. He had been able to control himself in every game after that. What was making this so different? Was it because their actions lacked the "wall" of a goban settled between them?

When he finally felt calm enough to rejoin everyone, he found Akari clearing the table. Touya and Rie had already moved to the living room, each kneeling at the goban. Akari looked up at him when he entered the dining room again.

"You okay?" she asked. "Want me to leave your plate?"

"I'm fine," he replied, "though not very hungry. Thanks for this, Akari."

She finished gathering the dishes. "Of course," she smiled at him. "Are you going to be okay being alone with him? I can hang around if you like..."

"Wh-what are you talking about?" Hikaru stammered.

Akari simply grinned knowingly at him and shook her head. "I'll head out as soon as I put these in your dishwasher, then," she said, heading back to the kitchen.

Hikaru stared after her for a moment, not sure of what to make of her teasing, but then turned and went into the living room. He walked over and knelt by the goban, scanning the the board to see how Rie was playing. Her hands showed that she was getting tired even though it wasn't that late. Touya was being gentle with her, as well. He wondered if his rival was able to notice the difference in her moves, despite only having played her once before.

The game lasted a little over an hour and resulted in a loss for Rie by two and a half moku. Hikaru forced himself into tutor mode and was able to help Touya explain to her which of her moves were good and which of them needed work. By the time they were done examining the game it was eight thirty and Rie kept trying to stifle her yawns.

"Off to bed," Hikaru told her.

"Awwe, but I want to talk to Touya-nii-sensei some more," she protested.

"Your yawning tells me you want to go to sleep," Hikaru responded. "Come on, it's your bedtime."

"It's okay, Rie-chan," Akira assured her. "Next time I see you at the Institute, I'll be sure to play you again."

"Promise?" Rie asked through a yawn.

"Of course," he replied, giving her a gentle smile.

Rie pushed herself up and teetered in place for a moment before Hikaru, worried that she might fall over, picked her up. She yawned sleepily, rubbing her eyes, then wrapped her arms around Hikaru's neck.

"At least thank Touya before you fall asleep," Hikaru said, patting her back gently.

"Thank you... Touya... nii-sensei..." Rie muttered into his neck.

"I'll be right back," Hikaru said with an apologetic smile, then headed down the hallway to put Rie to bed.

When he returned to the living room he found Touya clearing the goban. After a moment Hikaru knelt on the cushion opposite him and started helping him, being extra careful so that he didn't accidentally touch his hands again. Hikaru wasn't sure his heart could take it.

When all the stones were safely back in their respective bowls, Touya made a move to stand up. Hikaru suddenly felt panicked. Even after all the stress his emotional turmoil was causing, he didn't want Touya to leave yet!

"Why don't we have a game?" he blurted, staring hard at the goban. He was afraid of what he might say if he actually looked at Touya.

Akira paused, then settled back down onto the cushion. "Alright," he said. "We haven't had a casual game in a long time..."

Hikaru did the nigiri, which resulted in him having black. They played quietly for a while, all of their attention focused on the nineteen-by-nineteen grid in front of them.

"Have you thought of enrolling Rie as an insei?" Akira asked, breaking the long silence that had lasted until mid-game. "She certainly has the skill for it."

Hikaru glanced up from the board for just a second. "She plays professionals a lot. She even goes with me to Morishita-sensei's study group. I don't think she really needs to be an insei."

"You're thinking like my father did," Akira mused.

"Is that bad?" Hikaru asked, setting down a stone.

"Not really. She can get a lot of valuable experience playing that way," Akira replied. He paused for a moment, and Hikaru thought he looked a bit uncomfortable. Finally he said, "Fujisaki-san is a good cook. Is she often over like she was tonight?"

Hikaru shrugged. "She helps me take care of Rie when I need her to."

Akira's stone made a gentle pa-chi as it hit the board. "Is that all?"

Hikaru looked up at his rival again. The look on the other man's face was something couldn't read at all. "That's all. Akari is just a childhood friend who has been helping me since my parents died. You know how our schedules can be. I couldn't have taken care of Rie without assistance."

Somehow Touya seemed relieved to hear that. Hikaru's brain played over this observation while he fingered the stones in his bowl. Why would Touya be interested in his relationship with Akari? And was he really relieved to hear that it was nothing more than friendship. If that were the case, couldn't he draw the conclusion that Touya's stiffness from earlier was due to jealousy? And if that were the case...

If that that were the case...!

"Tou--" he began.

"Shindou," Akira cut him off. His face was flushed and he kept wringing his hands. "This might be a little sudden, and I will understand if you hate me for saying it, but... Shindou, I'm in love with you."

Hikaru froze. "Eh...?"

Akira took a deep breath. "I have been for a long time now. I wanted to tell you before, but we've only been able to meet for our matches and you always leave as soon as possible afterwards..." He paused, chewing on his lip, then continued, "I know we're both men and that it might be awkward for you to hear me say these things, but... I felt that if I didn't at least let you know my feelings and have you reject them that I couldn't move on. Please, Shindou, forgive my selfishness."

Hikaru's brain started buzzing with thoughts faster than he could process them. Was this really happening? He could barely believe it, and he actually pinched his hand to make sure that he wasn't dreaming.

It was true, though. Everything he had always wanted to confess to Touya had just been said to him instead. Touya loved him, too. It made him feel so elated that he wanted to cry.

"I should go..." Akira said, pushing himself up off the cushion.

He started to walk away. Seeing him leaving drove away the bulk of Hikaru's haze, and he leapt up off his own cushion and grabbed Touya by the wrist. His rival turned, startled, and Hikaru saw tears in his eyes. How hard it must have been for him to confess, and all Hikaru had done was sit there like a lump, despite Touya's words being exactly what he desired most.

"Touya, I..." Hikaru's brain was still having issues with cohesive thought.

Instead of trying to force the words to come, Hikaru opted to do the next best thing. He leaned up and kissed Touya, much to the surprise of the other man. After a moment, though, Touya relaxed a bit and returned the kiss. The emotional rollercoaster of the past week was nothing to how Hikaru felt then, and he felt the tears sliding down his cheeks.

When he pulled away, he let Touya's wrist slip from his grip. "God, I'm stupid..." he said, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt. "Here I thought I had caught up to you as a rival, but you're still ahead of me. You went and confessed first..."

"Shindou..." Akira placed his hand tentatively on Hikaru's cheek.

Hikaru kissed him again, more forcefully this time. His arms snaked around Touya's slender waist, and he felt as if he was getting high from the other man's body heat. He let his tongue slip into his rival's mouth. Touya tasted a bit salty because of dinner, but Hikaru didn't mind.

After what seemed like a very short eternity passed, Hikaru broke the kiss a second time. He stared up at his Touya's face, unable to not think his pink tinged cheeks were cute.

"I have Rie, though, you know..." he said quietly.

Akira blinked in confusion, then sighed and flicked Hikaru on the forehead. "Idiot. Do you think I wouldn't want to be with you because you care for Rie-chan?"

Hikaru stared at the floor. "She takes a lot of time and effort, you know," he said. "And I won't compromise where she is concerned... I wasn't sure if you would be willing to put up with it."

Akira sighed again. "Shindou, I have loved you for a very long time now. I know that you have Rie-chan, and I still love you. I still confessed to you. She is important to you, and I would never ask you to choose between us... Just that maybe you choose both of us."

Hikaru took Touya's hand in his. "I am an idiot, aren't I? Worrying over stupid things like this..."

Akira smiled at him. "A little bit, yes," he teased.

Hikaru fell silent for a minute, his eyes resting on his hand intertwined with his rival's. "Ne, Touya..." he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. He could feel his ears burning.


"Ne, Touya..." Hikaru repeated, forcing his voice to be a bit more steady. "This might be a little sudden, and I will understand if you hate me for saying it, but... I really want to have sex with you right now."

He looked up just in time to see Touya's face turn bright red. It was so cute that Hikaru kind of wanted to laugh.

"Shi-Shindou!" Akira stammered.

"We can't?" Hikaru asked.

Akira seemed to find the hardwood floor suddenly very interesting. "I... didn't say that."

Hikaru leaned over so he could look at Touya's face. "What do you say, then?"

Akira averted his eyes, but gave a small, shy nod.

Hikaru studied his face. "Are you sure?"

Akira nodded again. "I love you, so naturally I want to be with you..."

"But?" Hikaru prompted.

Akira managed to turn a deeper shade of red. "I haven't... I've never..."

"Ah," Hikaru said. "It isn't like I have, either, you know. I'm glad that my first will be with Touya."

Akira eyed Hikaru for a moment, then let out a short laugh. " I am an idiot, aren't I? Worrying over stupid things like this..."

Hikaru tugged Touya's hand gently, leading him back towards his bedroom. "That's my line..."

"You took mine from earlier, too, though," Akira pointed out.

Hikaru just grinned sheepishly as he pulled Touya into his room and shut the door. Once inside he set to kissing his rival again, letting his tongue roam into Touya's mouth. His fingers found their way to his partner's dark locks, and he relished in how soft his hair was. Before long the pair of them had drifted over to the bed. When Touya's knees bumped the edge of the mattress, he lost his balance and fell onto it, pulling a startled Hikaru with him.

"You okay?" Hikaru asked.

Akira was panting a bit to catch his breath. "Yeah. Sorry."

"It's okay. I rather like you like this anyway," Hikaru slipped his hand underneath Touya's shirt and drew little circles on his skin with his finger, causing his partner to shiver.

"Shindou..." Akira breathed.

Hikaru straightened up and started unbuttoning his shirt. "You know, I've had one hell of a week..."

"Hmm?" Akira asked. He sat up on his elbows and watched as Hikaru removed each piece of plastic from its hole.

"Yeah," Hikaru said. "I realized years ago that I loved you this way, but I was afraid to do anything about it. I thought I had come to terms with having an unrequited love, but after you played Rie at the Institute..."

"After I played Rie-chan...?"

Hikaru slid his shirt off his shoulders, then began working with his belt. Why did his professional wear have to be so complicated? "After seeing you there, every time I thought of you my body seemed to catch fire. It was like all the time I had spent denying my feelings for you had come around to attack me."

"Did you think of me often during this past week?" Akira asked, running his fingers over Hikaru's now exposed hip.

Hikaru pushed his pants off all the way, then knelt on the floor between Touya's legs. His hand brushed against the inside of his rival's thigh before drifting up and working to get the fastener undone. Once accomplished he nudged Touya to lift his hips, then tugged the clothing off and tossed it over his shoulder.

"Everyday," he said, his eyes examining Touya's cock standing upright before him, "to the point where I almost couldn't stand it anymore."

"Would you be mad if I told you that makes me happy?" Akira asked. His voice was quiet and low, and Hikaru found it incredibly sexy.

"Not as long as you take responsibility for it," Hikaru replied.

Akira let himself fall back onto the bed. "Isn't that what we're doing now, Shindo--UWAH!"

Hikaru had sucked Touya's length into his mouth. At his partner's outburst, though, he pulled off. "Ah, you're really sensitive, aren't you? But be careful," he said, his mouth still so close to Touya's cock that his lips brushed against the head of it as he spoke. "We don't want to wake Rie up..."

Hikaru then sucked Touya back into his mouth. His rival whimpered and clamped his hand over his mouth. The idea that Touya couldn't hold his voice because of what he was doing made Hikaru very happy. He worked over Touya's cock earnestly, his tongue playing along its surface as if he couldn't taste it enough. Before long he started to feel lightheaded and it seemed to him that the world beyond himself and Touya had ceased to exist.

Hikaru somehow managed to retrieve his lotion from the little drawer under his bed without stopping what he was doing, though how he did so he had no idea. He squeezed a bit onto one of his fingers, then slowly pressed that finger into Touya's opening. His partner gasped and moaned loudly, his back arching.

"Shin... dou..." Akira panted.

Hikaru released Touya's cock again, though he did not stop fingering him. "Is it okay? It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"Feels... good," Akira managed. "Don't... stop..."

Hikaru took his cock back into his mouth, and shortly after he slipped another finger inside. Touya's free hand found its way to Hikaru's short hair, his fingers tangling themselves in amongst the strands. His stifled moans were getting more fervent, and the pressure in Hikaru's groin was becoming unbearable because of it.

Suddenly Touya cried out and Hikaru's mouth was full if his come. It startled him and he sat up coughing, his partner's orgasm spilling from between his lips. He wiped it with the heel of his free hand, then proceeded to lick the come off said hand.

"I'm... so sorry!" Akira panted. "Are you... okay?"

Hikaru forced himself to regain his normal breathing. "It's fine. It's fine," he assured him. He then twisted his fingers inside Touya, causing his lover to gasp loudly. "More importantly, I'm at my limit. I want to be in here, Touya..."

"Please..." Akira replied with the same greeting that is exchanged over the goban.

Hikaru grinned and kissed the inside of Touya's thigh. "Can you lay on your stomach, then?"

Touya nodded, then whimpered when Hikaru removed his fingers. Hikaru sat back a bit to give him room, and watched his partner's lithe frame as he got into the position that Hikaru had asked of him. Touya's body was absolutely beautiful; his skin, covered in a thin layer of sweat now, glistened somewhat in the lamplight. Hikaru vaguely recalled having been bothered by the idea, when he first understood his feelings, of being in love with another man. At the moment, though, he couldn't imagine why he had ever thought that way.

Once Touya was laying on the bed, Hikaru climbed up and straddled him. He applied the lotion to his own cock, then took a deep breath and pushed himself slowly and as gently as possible into his partner. Touya groaned and gripped the sheets tightly. Hikaru, worried that he was hurting him, paused midway.

"Are you okay?" Hikaru asked. "Do you want me to stop?"

Touya jerked his head 'no.' "Don't stop...," he said.

Hikaru kissed Touya on the shoulder blade, then pushed himself the rest of the way in. Touya moaned and hid his face in Hikaru's pillow. For a minute they stayed like that, Hikaru wanting to let his partner get used to him being inside.

"Is it okay if I move now?" he asked.

Akira nodded.

Hikaru laid his hands over Touya's, interlocking their fingers, then began to move. At first he tried to be slow and careful, but the moans that Touya was making into his pillow were enough to drive him insane. Soon he was thrusting harder and faster. Touya was tight around his cock, and his voice joined with his rival's as he embraced him.

"Ah... Ah, Shindou!" Akira breathed. "Shi-Shindou--ah! I'm going to... again, going to...!"

"Me... too..." Hikaru grunted. "Touya... So good, Touya! Touya!"

He felt Touya's body tense up in another climax. The pressure it put around Hikaru's cock, pushing so deep into his lover, was enough that he wanted to explode. He shook as his own orgasm shot out of him, filling Touya. Touya moaned loudly as Hikaru came inside him, his hands squeezing Hikaru's so as to almost be painful.

Hikaru collapsed onto his partner, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His body felt stiff and drained, but he didn't mind in the slightest. He had often imagined being with Touya, but the real thing had been so much better than anything than his mind could fantasize. After a few minutes passed he pushed himself off his partner. Touya whimpered as Hikaru's cock pulled free of him. Hikaru gathered his lover into his arms, and for a long while the pair remained silent, simply enjoying each other's company.

"Shindou..." Akira said, breaking the quiet.


"Would it be... alright if I slept... here... tonight...?" Akira asked. He was already mostly asleep.

"Idiot," Hikaru said. "That's obvious, isn't it?"

Soon Hikaru could hear the soft sounds of sleep escaping Touya. He sat up a bit and checked the digital clock beside the bed. It was a little after one-thirty, so he decided that he would go check on Rie before he fell asleep. He untangled himself from his lover as gently as possible, then slipped off the bed.

As he headed out of his room, his foot hit something small, sending it skidding across the floor. Curious, he went and picked it up. It was Touya's little day planner. He figured it had ended up on the floor when he had tossed Touya's pants away. It had fallen open to that Sunday's date, and when he saw the entry for that evening he couldn't help but grin.

Written in Touya's neat handwriting it said, "17:00, Confess to Shindou."

boys' love, nekonews, original character alert, hikaru no go

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