so it's been a while.

Sep 30, 2011 21:12

feels like that should be the subject of every entry i've made here in the last year. oh wait. that's,, isn't it. well there we have it!

either way, i'm alive, for those of you who only had lj to determine that (hi twisted world cronies from forever ago!). am i alive and WELL? no. but alive, at any rate, and working on the rest of it (thyroid joke: at least i have my health, or at least i "don't have" it but in a way that's manageable).

i was poking around to update my settings a bit (the email i had connected to this account was HILARIOUSLY out of date), and it occurred to me that while i knew intellectually that lj was still around and people still use it, that fact actually kind of amazes me, and i'm really impressed at how well it keeps up with the social-networking-times. not patronizingly impressed, either.
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