Dec 25, 2009 00:14
here's a "customer feedback" note i just submitted to the cvs website regarding the location at mill ave/university in tempe:
"At 6:15pm on 12-24-09, I arrived at this location to get a refill on a very important prescription. I had been there earlier in the day on the way to work, and made sure to check for any signs indicating different hours for the holiday. I hadn’t found any, so imagine my dismay when I returned in the evening to get my pills to see that the pharmacy had closed early despite the lack of signage. I asked a nearby CVS customer service agent when it had closed, and she said it closed at 6pm and she didn’t know anything else about it. I went to a different CVS location with a 24-hour pharmacy desperately hoping they’d be open so I could get my medication, and fortunately they were. I was given enough pills to last me till Saturday and informed that all CVS pharmacies not open 24 hours always close early Christmas Eve and have signs posted for 2 weeks prior to the date. This may be the case at other locations, but as this is the only CVS location I ever go to, this is the first I heard of it."
i'm seriously pissed off, so get your ass ready for a lot of swearing.
merry fucking christmas, amirite? thank god for the pills the other cvs gave me (and my dad for driving me there), or i would be shit out of luck, especially because tomorrow--besides being christmas--is the day i was planning to collect all the samples for the 24-hr adrenal test i practically had to beat an order for out of my doctor, so as to get it back to sonora quest ASAP without having to miss yet MORE work. argh. i mean it stands to reason all my levels would be pretty fucked up if i didn't have any t3/t4 in my system besides what little bit was left over from my previous dose, never mind the complete sludge-for-brains i'd be...god fucking damn it, that would have really sucked.
not ok,
goddamn it