…I want to… fly… IN A PLANE!!!!
Ugh... well.... let me think quickly.
Uhm.... It's stupid, never listens to reason, pops up unexpectedly,
wants to screw you over, overall sucks, but it's great if your mind is
taken over. @.@";
I think that about covers it.
And I stick to myself never having been in TRUE love, because that
would mean that it's good forever, and never ceases... or that if it
does cease, it isn't because of the people wanting it~
2. KITTY! Perhaps if it was trained.... or just wasn't hungry...
Truthfully, I wouldn't be all that afraid.
3. Well, seeing as I already have the latter, I guess the other
ability. But then again, there are some things that one does not WISH
to see....
4. Not really, but I try not to be a strain on other peoples senses. (haven't I said this in a quiz somewhere?)
5. She is very outgoing, and even more open-minded. :D
6. a) She is extremely attractive. :3
b) She is a great person inside and out
c) She teaches me about Jrock all of the time. ^_^
7. A haiku, of sorts:
Ryu is teh Houtusen dude bro
He likes to play Final Fantasy online
Show me how it works!
w00t! Samurai!