Sketchbooks for sale or rent...

Jul 02, 2006 16:46

I'm once again in need of some extra cash and I have about 30 books waiting to become sketchbooks... Seems like a match made in ... ummm ... Michigan?
Either way, sketchbooks go for $15 ea and I have a great deal of different covers available.

The specs are as follows:
1 heavy weight book's covers
100 pages of paper OR 50 pages of cardstock
1 repositionable clear bleed proof page (for inking and markering over)
elastic closure
zip tie binding
brass reinforced binding holes
"this book belongs to" sticker

For $5 more (per item) you can have
Heavy duty coated steel cable binds (to replace the zip ties)
an extra 100 sheets of paper
an extra 50 sheets of card
a 50/50 split of paper and card

and for $1 more (per item) you can get
ring binds (to replace the zip ties)
extra zip ties

I am also open to trades.
Currently I'm looking for one of these
I'd trade straight up for one :)
Or someone to help me set up my website

If you're interested please drop me an email or talk at me here.
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