La-la-la *is random*

Jul 09, 2006 22:39

Remember the alt!Doctor fic I said I'd write? Well, I've already started it XDD

Guh, I can't seem to get inspired enough to write for dogdaysofsummer (or HP, in any case), and yet this little bugger of a plotbunny jumps at me and I'm all for writing. Go figure. *sigh* I have only two weeks to write both my Tenth Doctor Ficathon entry and my 50 sentences for 1fandom, too, before I leave home.

About the World Cup, well, I must say I wasn't really interested in the match, and my brother kept on shutting me up everytime I even opened my mouth (so I was talkative today, so what?). ZIDANE THAT SUCKED. Poor guy, though, his last match and that's the way he says goodbye? *shakes head* LAME, DUDE. LAME. I was supposedly rooting for France, but I didn't really care who won, so it was brilliant to see the Italian team so damn happy and slashy-happy, omg. It just warmed my heart, in a really, really cheesy way XD

I haven't ranted about local movie openings, have I? Well, they SUCK. C'mon, my flist has been raving with Superman for weeks already, and now everyone's squeeing over PotC and IT'S NOT FAIR I WANNA SEE THEM ALREADY. *sulks* I don't even know when is PotC being released. Grr.

writing, mcranty, doctor who, rl

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