The internet: Full of Win and Lose at the same damn time

Jul 29, 2009 12:54

If you read blogs related to gaming, you might've heard about the stupid STUPID STUPID contest EA drummed up as PR for their Dante's Inferno game. That whole Sin to Win thing.

What blogs you read of course will have given you different views on it. I read about it through my feminist blogs, where we were astounded by the sheer stupid bad taste and misogyny. I did follow links to other sites, where I found myself staring at the usual "THE BOOTH BABES ASK FOR IT THOSE SLUTS LOLOLOL STUPID FEMINAZIS SO MAD CUZ THEY'RE ALL FAT AND SHIT AND NOT EVEN NERDS WANT THEM!" crap in comments (which I can never stop myself from reading, for some masochistic reason) if not in the actual main post about it.

Well a gay gamer named PixelPoet has won my heart with his response to the contest. In Shakes parlance, I would totally do his taxes.

Although, again, I suggest not reading the comments on his blog post either. Unless, like me, you are attracted to textual train wrecks of "THEY ASK FOR IT!" and "LIGHTEN UP BITCHES!" and so on and so on. *sigh*.

And yes, I spent three hours going through the 2000+ comment plus "Fat Princess" troll-bait post on Shakesville last night, and despite having been on the internet since the days when a 2800baud modem was fast INDEED, I still found myself a bit shocked that there are still occasional people coming to a post that's over a YEAR OLD, and leaving a comment that completely disregards anything the post or several comments in the damn thread say, because they are magically totally different from the 600 people who've said exactly what they're saying, and that a blogger posting on her own damn blog an original post of 200 words or so is an overreactionary drama queen, unlike them, who've come to a year fucking old post to make a long, "logical" dissertation about how the blog owner needs to "lighten up" and not go out there seeking attention on other blogs and forums, that she never even went to, much less posted on, over a game that totally doesn't need any defending because it's just a game, and thus, they're going to start defending the hell out of it. Because they're oppressed by anyone saying anything unkind about a game, I guess.


fuckery, internets, train wreck, people

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