grab a cold one..

Apr 27, 2005 19:34

back on f*cking livejournal... i'll always keep the blurty though.

first entry, gotta be a prose..

im waiting for something. another aspect of the unknown. im spinning with the pit, im a pit boss and breathing fire in anticipation of the next miracle which will blanket my world like a canopy of wonder. im bored. i mean in general. i find contentment in drinks and friends but not much else. the energy is surging and i need to vent it. what's with the chip in the shoulder? i don't know. give me a hug and you'll feel the energy seep into you and you'll be part of the mystery.

You're the best part of me
The vine of stars wrapped around my universe. im a pair of eyes in need of a responding gaze. i need to sing, express, and be noticed. i thrive off of attention and when it's gone I feel like I am too. the void within grows, longing for a satisfaction that someone else can give. the one thing im unable to give to myself. i vanish in a sea of hopes and mystery. i am a mystery, and not only to you. im leaving you, smiling as the abyss swallows me leaving you a perfect picture of my silhouette and you miss me before im already gone. im a slave to the song. lets make something beautiful. cosmic tapestry. im tired of doing it on my own, feed my inspiration, ascend with me to meadows of discovery flourishing in the above, the unatainable. whoever you are, wherever you are, find me. im ready.
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