This weekend kind of sucked! I was feeling ill early on last week and then over the weekend I lost my voice, which means that I had to call into work and I couldn't speak or, even, sing. IT WAS THE WORST GAGA DAY EVER. ;_;
But anyway! I have a bunch of answers to that OTP meme from
mona. I will probably answer more later, but this is all I felt like doing now:
1. When I started shipping them
I think after "Social Psychology"?
2. What I think their challenge is
3. What makes me happy about them
I just love their ~scheming~ and how gossipy and cute together they are. :D
4. What makes me sad about them
Not enough people ship them with me. :(
5. What moment I wish had never happened
I could do with fewer casual jokes about Shirley's homophobia.
6. Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
LOL well I am an avowed multi-shipper when it comes to Community so I would probably be happy with any pairing that does not involve Pierce. But especially I am okay with: Shirley/Jeff, Britta/Troy, Britta/Jeff, Shirley/Annie (did you notice that they have a SECRET HANDSHAKE???)
7. My happily ever after for them
They each manage to work out their myriad issues to have a ~relationship~ and then Britta takes Shirley's kids to the zoo for the day and general lulz ensue. (But then I think all Britta+kids storylines would be kinda funny.)
1. When I started shipping them
Lol I think since the Spanish rap? Possibly before that. Definitely by the time Troy asked Abed if he thought he was good-looking. ("You're a very attractive young man. >:|")
2. What I think their challenge is
General aspie-ness and closeted issues. Despite this, I have a hard time seeing them as a particularly ~angst~-ridden couple.
3. What makes me happy about them
Well, pretty much everything, but in particular I love the little things they do that indicate that they are BFF forever omg. Like, in "Science of Illusion" there's this part where they high-five in the middle of a scene FOR NO REASON, like, they weren't even talking to each other, they just high-five in the middle of scenes, just cuz! :D
4. What makes me sad about them
I really wish they'd make it canon but I don't think they will. :(
5. What moment I wish had never happened
Ummmm, I can't really think of one? IDK, most Troy/Abed scenes are pretty A+++ because they are both the actual gratest.
6. Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
Abed/Annie, Abed/Jeff, Troy/Britta, whatever.
7. My happily ever after for them
They make a totally epic movie about, like, cyborgs and bounty hunters where everyone ends up shipping their characters. (Wait, maybe they already did this?)
1. When I started shipping them
During "Sozin's Comet," I suppose! THEY WERE THE GREATEST TEAM. *_*
2. What I think their challenge is
LOL well I'm not sure how accepting their culture would be of poly relationships? Also they are all three kinda stubborn, I think.
3. What makes me happy about them
Their combined AWESOME and the epic shenanigans/kickassery they would get up to together.
4. What makes me sad about them
Is there fic? No, I don't think so. :(
5. What moment I wish had never happened
Ummmmm...well, I don't think this really counts, but I wish there had been a bit more Suki in the series as a whole? Like, I love her to pieces, but I wish she had gotten more characterization/background than just Sokka's Girlfriend.
6. Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other
Well, they're all fairly young in Avatar so I am fine with idea of them growing up/apart. EVEN IF THE THOUGHT MAKES ME ;_;
7. My happily ever after for them
They become the Avatarverse equivalent of a biker gang and travel the Earth Kingdom searching for KICKS. (Like in
Wild Rebels!)
Yes I can relate MST3K to anything why do you ask?
Cross-posted at