Todd is just about SGA's most entertaing character, isn't he? He transcends the essential lolarity of the Wraith as a species (because I imagine that unless you have a severe latex allergy the Wraith aren't really that frightening) and makes me love him. Despite the fact that he's covered in latex.
I just read the plot details for the coming season's requisite
Teyla-centric episode. I'm still kind of pissed off that they apparently can't think of anything more interesting to do with Teyla other than mention occasionally that she's part-Wraith, but in this case I'm ok with it because it means we get more TODD.
Todd and the Expedition have once again teamed up-this time with Teyla posing as Todd’s Queen.
I know I said before that I've learned not to get my hopes up over SGA, but OMG LET ME GET MY HOPES UP. I mean, let's look at this:
1) Todd and Rodney have the competitive scientific relationship and hobviously Todd is exasperatedly fond of him.
2) Todd and Ronon ~*saved the day*~ together and were pretty much the only things in the season finale that didn't suck. (And then they died, I think? I probably should rewatch the season finale.)
3) And of course he and Sheppard have this weirdo "I saved your life a couple of times but I still sort of want to kill you" tension that I, um, may find sort of compelling. Um. Yeah. I read a couple fics about it. Don't judge me
Based on all this evidence, and the fact that she's ~*posing as his Queen*~ I can only assume that Teyla and Todd will have glorious hijinks together and that it'll make me happy. It says that this episode is being written by Alan McCullough, who I vaguely remember doesn't suck as much as the rest of them (lol Mallozzi). Also, he usually remembers that Ronon and Teyla exist, which is always appreciated.
Also, I re-watched the original Star Wars trilogy and now I really want to read a Han/Leia/Lando lulzy action threesome fic. Which Star Wars fandom probably doesn't have because they hate brown people and things that are awesome, damn them. >:(
ETA: You know what else I want? A picture of Freema Agyeman with short hair. Also a fucking pony. >:(
Bride of ETA: