My bff Brett is always bitching at me about spoilers. For a guy who once threatened to spoil DH for me as revenge for telling him that Godot never shows up, he's remarkably touchy. Seriously, does anyone really give a shit how Waiting for Godot ends? I know he didn't. He hated it.
(Fixed that for myself: does anyone really give a shit about Waiting for Godot? No, of course they don't.)
Anyway, point is: these are my inane thoughts on SGA Season 5 and S&H Season whatever, which aired about 30 years ago, but if there's anything Brett's epic butthurt over spoilers has taught me, it's that you can never be too careful.
So I've been reading
sga_spoilers and unwisely been getting excited about the plot details therein. I'm a relative n00b to SGA and even after the festering shitpile that was the Michael arc and after the epic "meh" that was this last season's finale, I'm still reading shit like this and getting pumped:
This episode will centre around Sheppard and is most likely the episode referred to in Joe Mallozzi’s spoiler poem with the line “A corpse is discovered and John plays detective."
Mostly because I'm picturing JFlan walking around the entire time smoking a pipe. Which I may do anyway. Also:
Search & Rescue will feature some scenes that “cement the bond” of the friendships between Rodney & Teyla and Ronon & Sheppard.
It's not so much I'm angry about the idea itself. As much as a scene where there's is bonding within my favorite ensemble of television characters (yeah, it's sad, I know) and also, incidentally, between characters that I want to see make sweet, sweet love to each other would make me epically happy, it also gets my hopes up to a degree that I don't think is that unreasonable but also is probably unlikely to be reached given SGA's track record. I blame the relative n00bity again. STOP DOING THAT, SGA. STOP MAKING ME FORGET THAT YOU SUCK.
But, yeah. I am excited to see those episode spoilers, despite myself. Maybe after this season I will stop caring. That will only happen, though, if Teyla stops being hot and Ronon stops being awesome and Rodney stops being Rodney and Sheppard stops being a weirdo loser failbot. Which, you know, not bloody likely.
Also, I watched "The Deadly Imposter" a couple nights ago and I have DEEP THOUGHTS on that as well.
1. Seriously, how hot was Abigail Crabtree? I was so happy when I found she was one of the show's recurring female characters (all, what, two of them?) because I saw her and was all "DAY-UMM. Too bad we'll never see her again. :(" The episode guide tells me she comes back in a few other eps, including "Vendetta," which I haven't been able to find on any streaming sites even though it looks really great, particularly as it's the one where she dumps Hutch in what I can only assume is a deserving manner. (No offense, Hutch.) I'm assuming, though, as I can't watch it at the moment. >:(
2. This episode had a really awesome premise that it did not milk for emotion the way I was expecting it to. Since this was the Official Backstory Episode I assumed we'd be getting a lot more angst and shit about Colby betraying their trust and maybe another one of those obligatory ~*"It's us against the world"*~ scenes. (Although it probably wouldn't top the one in the pilot where they make that speech to each other while partly undressed. I'm not making this up.) Instead we just get Hutch arresting the guy with Starsky showing up at the end kind of as an afterthought. Seriously, the last scene before the tag went like this:
Colby: *is generically evil* [seriously, there was a point where he steepled his fingers and I expect him to grow a mustache so he could twirl it. It was kind of hilarious] I should have killed you when I had the chance!
Hutch: >:(
Colby: MUAHAHAHAHAHA *kicks the gun out of Hutch's hands. They fight. Hutch wins*
Starsky: Oh, hay guyz. I'm here, too, in case you forgot.
*they exit*
And then the tag, as delightful and Crabtree-filled as it was, didn't emphasize their friendship at all which, uh, may be why I started writing a fic for the episode. I'm very ashamed of this. ._. in my defense, the fic has some Abigail Crabtree in it too, which I can only assume to be a good thing.
3. Hutch does a pretty decent comical German accent. A lesser person might make an Aryan joke here, but NOT ME.
lol nazi
4. Also, I will always remember this episode where they both wear absurdly huge and, in Starsky's case, hilariously awful sweaters. Although this just reminds me how much I miss
the cardigan. 5. Poor Huggy. ;_; I guess we're just supposed to assume he's ok? Idk, but it was kind of cool that they used him for actual emotional effect this episode, though, instead of dopey comic relief. It might not be much, but I'm going to call it a step up!
6. For now on instead of thinking "KAMEAMEHA!" whenever I see this picture:
I'm going to think: