total meltdown

Oct 29, 2007 11:41

for those who may read this, you already know about my insurance battles and how Im on the losing end of things right now.... so I need not go into it at the risk of sounding redundant... in any case, I called the case manager nurse who is supposed to "Help" me. In all fairness to her, she is just getting my most recent records because the woman they had working with me in the past closed my file out stating I was medically stable and regardless of what they say really put a wrench in the works with my care.
I have Reflex sympathtic dystrophy which is a nervous system disorder that right now has gone haywire and since I've been without proper treatment has managed to get the best of me.
This nurse was put in place to better monitor me and help me, well at this point she hasnt accomplished much except to upset me further by stating that its my drs fault for not following through on denial appeals and that this is why I havent been treated...they didnt do the last appeal because they were told I had to be seen which I was to give a more recent prognosis. This didnt make it in within the 30 days and so they tossed it, so now they have to appeal it again which will take more time and may or may not have the appeal turned over. 
I really dont care what they do at this point, Im in so much pain that Im on the verge of tears 24/7. I have very little tolerance to touch and clothes burn my skin. I DO NOT want pain meds and I DO NOT want muscle relaxers... I WANT relief... and I cannot do therapy until they relieve the pain because it involves touching me but they dont get it... they keep asking me about the implant, thats fine... its my back thats ruined where its spreading to, the muscles spasms are painful and they draw up the skin on my back making it burn... but I cannot explain this to someone who cant see it and cannot relate and all she can tell me is to take a brisk walk to take my mind off of it?!?!?! Oh yeah and that I should seek a second opinion...WHY ON EARTH FOR??? My dr isnt at fault, the insurance co is...and what is the other dr going to say that hasnt been said already... no I wont see another DR however, I WILL turn in legal papers and go from there... if it means I have to settle to get my treatment, than so be it!! 
Im so tired of the pain and so tired of fighting for my health when I didnt do anything to cause this, all I did was care for a patient and I lost the battle...please help me is all I've asked... Im so sad and depressed with all of it but Im a fighter and I will find a means to get what I need...

For anyone who read this... Im ok, just over tired, in pain, sad and frustrated but I AM determined!!

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