Further Evidence for the Continued Existence of a Certain Character (Spoiler)

Jul 23, 2007 08:04

Yeah, you know who I'm talking about.

Of course I'm talking about the continued existence of Severus Snape, for which there is mounting evidence.

Some things are just a given.

* The man knows how to stopper death. He's proved it.

* He's too good a spy to get that close to Voldy without some kind of plan or personal insurance

*When Harry goes into the Headmaster's office after Snape's apparent demise, there is no portrait of the latest late Headmaster. Either time. And we know that even tho Voldy put him in as Hogwarts headmaster, he still was considered a rightful headmaster because Harry confirms it in the epilogue. So by all rights, his portrait should automatically appear when he dies.

*Snape is conspicuously absent in the Hogwarts body count. (Which ticked me off at first, until I realized what it actually indicated....)


*When Harry uses the Resurrection Stone, the only spirits that come to him are his mom, dad, Sirius and Lupin. These are the spirits of those who protected and guided Harry. Except for Lily, there's not another character who protected Harry as much as Snape, so why isn't he there? Yes, you could say it's a matter of personal affinity... but I don't quite buy it.

*Harry and Dumbledore sitting in the afterlife waystation with what's left of Voldy's soul. OK, none of the other recently dead folks are there, but consider that Harry himself notes that he, Voldy and Snape were "the abandoned boys". They are connected with each other throughout the series. I think Snape is again conspicuous by his absence.

Methinks this is all rather telling. You are all welcome to add any further evidence that you find.
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