7-11 Stories

Dec 28, 2011 14:24

So my late morning early afternoon found me at the 24-hour laundromat down the street washing the comforters and the sleeping bags. After putting in the large sleeping bag back in for the second or third time I thought to myself "You know, this Orange Crush I'm drinking is mighty tasty but I'm hankering for something like recee's piece's to eat." So off I went to the 7-11 two doors down.

On my way I passed a bum smoking with his half drunk six pack on the ground next to him, "Hey man you got change for the bus?" "How much do you need?" I asked him pulling some quarters from my pocket "Buck fifty," he says. "Well I got a buck," I says and hand if off and keeping walk. As I'm walking away his friend came over and the guy I gave money to says to his friend something along the line of "That guy's pretty cool." Which made me smile and I kept on walking.

Entered this 7-11 to look for my snack but was devastated to discover they only had peanut butter m&m's, muttering "first world problems" I went to leave. As I hit the door I noticed a black man in a uniform about to enter, I figured it was a cop and the last thing I wanted was some hassle I opened the door for him and in walked a metro bus driver. He seemed a little surprised that someone would hold the door for him and thanked me and I walked out. As I did I realized a mexican guy coming out right behind me, I held the door for him too and started walking back to the laundry mat when I hear...

"WHITE TRASH!" behind me


So I turn because seriously what the fuck and there stands an old black lady staring bug-eyed at me. As she starts to duck back in my bring is in a flurry first though being:
No really, what the fuck was that?
Meh crazy old people just walk on
OH SHIT! Maybe I let the door slam in her face on her way in or out and I'm a horrible person for doing that.

So I ducked back into the 7-11 my words as apologetic as I can make them "Man I'm sorry where you coming in or out and I didn't see and you let the door close on you? I do apologize I didn't see you."

When she starts in on how she don't need my help and how I'm horrible person always hassling her and she turns to the bus driver, who is trying to buy a lottery ticket from the poor clerk, and starts telling him how I was hassling her and saying shit to her calling her names and she told me to leave her alone but I just wouldn't and how awful of a person I was.

To his credit, he gave her his absolute best "I'm a bus driver and your crazy rantings mean jack shit to me but I'm going to keep nodding in case you're a little to crazy and stabby."

My good character being maligned I feel the need to get into it with her about how absolutely fucking crazy she is. "I haven't seen you before nor spoke a single work to you before just now when you called me white trash, what are you talking about?"
"Oh I saw you over at Dunkin Doughnuts and you" I cut her off
"I ain't been to Dunkin Doughnuts since christmas and I know you weren't there 'cause it was just me and the people working"

The banter blurrs here for a bit sorry but she ended up telling him that "it must have been someone that looked like you"

Inwardly I smile because, wow, I realize the set up I was just given and simply can not help myself "Oh! So you're saying all white people look the same?"
"Mmm sure sounded like it"

It blurs some more because inwardly I am rolling around the floor laughing my ass off trying to figure out how I can finish this off without the cops being called when she says "I apologize I guess I was wrong and though you where someone else."
Feeling that this is a good point I end with "Maybe next time you should make sure of who you're talking to before running your mouth" and walked out.

Oh my way back to the laundromat I picked up the trash can lid that blew off the Pollo place next door to the laundromat and go about my business.
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