(no subject)

Sep 09, 2011 14:39

I would say it's been mostly boring but it's been pretty crazy busy. The show happened, it was a success I had a good time and drank a lot I'm pretty sure I had a crazy story or three that I've forgotten. Oh, we where pre-drinking before going out to get food in the lobby bar and a monsoon kicked in. I heard from people who had still been in their rooms at the time that they could feel the hotel shaking in the wind, while we downstairs watched the trees almost touch the ground and the lights flicker.

Those of us with more sense than alcohol moved behind some walls while those with less sense and more alcohol went over to the windows to watch. In the end nothing happened but it was fairly impressive to watch from around the corner of the wall.

Staff part was interesting, it was at some restaurant but only at the bar we each got two drink tickets and there was finger food. It was odd but a good time was had, did have a weird moment when I heard someone yelling my name and couldn't find them until I realized my giant (6'10") of a CEO was across the bar yelling at me to ask if I was having a good time ;)

Came back to find out that Ran had started a diet and to exercise more to lose weight, she seemed surprised when I was all for it though I miss mashed potatoes we did tend to eat to much of them at a time. She's down a bunch of weight and I'm down to 198 I think my overall goal is going to be 180. Much less than that and I think I would go back to my creepy gaunt look.

We finally emptied out the storage unit and the apartment is packed with my comics that I'm slowly going through and getting rid of by mailing overseas to soldiers. I'm not sure what I want to do about my older stuff though, I can't decide if it'll be worth it to mail it out to a place I trust to sell it to them or if I should just trash it. The comic market crashed hard in the 90's with good reason and the economy hasn't helped it recover much. It's not like I have a lot of super valuable stuff either, I have a few things that are worth $20 or so, everything is closer to $5 or less. So cost of shipping vs. what I could get is something to think about.

We just got back from a week in Mexico that was fucking amazing, most of the pictures are here http://tinyurl.com/3sdvftk there are still a few to be added in. It was nice meeting Big Man's parents who are both awesome (his dad reminds me of John Astin in a most awesome way) and his brother and his wife. Amazingly they where all awesome people who where a lot of fun to hang out with, something I was not expecting nor had planned for. I had fully expected everyone to be doing their own thing but we all ended up hanging out a lot.

Ran and I hit up the archeological parks of Coba and Tulum. Tulum was pretty but very sterile and touristy though there is a part we didn't get to that has a lot of cenotes which would be fun to go back and do. But you can't climb on anything in Tulum which helped steer us towards Coba which is set way back in the jungle, with a good mile walk through other ruins and sites that you can get close to and partially climb on with the ultimate goal being the Nohoch Mul pyramid.

It's a one hundred and twenty four feet climb to the top, unlike Chichen Itza the steps are fairly accommodatingly wide and not super high (unless a section has collapsed) I was doing fine going up until I had to stop to let slower people who where in front of me move out of my way, once I stopped once I started feeling the burn and had to stop at least twice more on the way to the top. The view from top was incredible and we could watch a storm system pound another section of jungle. The climb down was surprisingly easy compared to up, one foot in front of the other and keep going. I couldn't imitate one of our guides who showed us the "easy" way to get down by essentially running straight down, but I made a good showing.

We also went to Xel-Ha with everyone but Big Man and his wife. But I feel that I have exhausted my typing for the day and this is already pretty tl;dr for future me trying to remember what I did with my life.
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