Sep 18, 2005 16:54
Hypnosis: Being hypnotized is one of the strangest feelings I've ever experienced.
A hypnotist came to college last night at 8. I didn't get picked to go up on stage, but a bunch of people did. He had them doing the weirdest things, like pretending they were really hot or like they were hillbillies on jerry springer saying they saw a UFO. He had them sing in languages that they didn't know or didn't exist, or think that the microphone stand was a really pretty girl. David got hypnotized out in the audience, so whenever the hypnotist said Verizon, he, among others who had fallen into the trance he was putting the people on stage in, got up and started saying "Can you hear me now?" while walking around the concert hall. It was the strangest thing to witness.
After the show they were celling cd's outside. Janky bought teach yourself hypnosis, Emily got relieving stress and power-napping, Caito got improve your memory, and I got study better, study faster. We tried Jank's one last night, and it was the most fascinating thing I've ever felt. It was amazing. I could tell everything that was going on, but I just didn't care. All I wanted to respond to, and all I did respond to, was the sound of the man's voice on the cd. I even managed to hypnotize myself into subconsciously raising my hand. It was really weird. We've been listening to them a lot, so much that its become the fun thing to do now. Instead of "hey guys lets go get drunk," its going to be "hey guys, we should totally go get hypnotised." Well, its safer, and you can bring yourself out of it really whenever you feel like. I have the feeling its very similar to meditating, which I've never really been able to do, but I'm getting better at it. I'm at Emily's room right now and I tried the power napping, and it really worked well. I'm so awake, and I was exhausted before. Its amazing. I know its phsychological, but that's what's so amazing and intriguing about it. I'm going to try my cd when I get back to the room, I think.
Clubs: My feet hurt a little bit. I had my first kendo practice today. Kendo is Japanese sword-fighting, for those of you who haven't heard me babble on how excited I was to try it. You do everything barefoot on a gym floor, so its kind of hard on the feet. Its interesting so far. There is a lot of form work, which can be intimidating, not to mention the more experienced students who have uniforms, and in some cases armor, but I'm getting the hang of it. William, who lives next door to me with Brandon, is in my class. He's in my kyudo class too, I think. Kyudo is Japanese archery. I missed the first practice because I didn't check my email before Saturday afternoon. But oh well its just one class. I think its usually on Thursdays, anyway. And tomorrow is my first aikido class, which I have Mondays and Wednesdays. That I'm really looking forward to. I'm so glad I have the opportunity to try all this stuff I've wanted to but never had the opportunity. Yay!! Also signed up to have prospies, and joined anime club just because they told me to. I'm doing assassins, too, with Mary. There are different rounds when each person in the club has to "kill" someone they are assigned to. So you have to get them with a dart gun or plastic sword, or anything, while no one else is around. You can also put an alarm clock in their room and if their in their room while its set off, youve killed them. When you die, you give your target to the person who killed you, and it just goes until there's one person left. I'm really excited for that. The only volleyball club they have is co-ed sand in the spring, but that's ok cause I'm in other stuff and I wouldn't have time for volleyball I think.
Yesterday before the hynotist I met up with my backpacking group on three oaks hill behind the rec center on the other side of the field hockey field. We roasted our salamis over the fire, which we couldn't get started even with lighter fluid and bug spray, but worked really well when we just lit the beer box on fire. Ken and I climbed the biggest oak, which is a really good tree for climbing, but it gets scary when you're above 25 feet in the air. We met some alumni from the class of '72 who saw us hanging out and joined us on the hill. They were really nice people. They told us about how when they were there, all the dorms were single sex. But one day, the students just decided to up and move to other dorms, forcing the administration to have co-ed dorms. I mean, that's amazing!! I love how liberal and hippie-like this school is. ^.^
Ok so I lost the cable that connects my camera to my computer. I might have left it at home, so until my mom sends it to me, or until I buy a new one, I can't very well show the pictures I've taken. But I will post them eventually!! Never fear!!
Ok so that's mostly what's going on right now. Probably going to go to dinner with Emily soon...without calling Jank and Caito. They're going out now, so we're trying to give them space. Emily and I just recently discovered that we don't have to be around them all the time. Its just so weird because the four of us are a pod. So weird. But Emily and I can have fun ourselves!! hehe yay for independence. And I'm so glad I'm getting to know people from my floor better. Yay!! I'm not as homesick anymore, but still a little homesick. I miss my friends a ton. A TON!! Ok Gotta go. See you all later!! Call me I love talking to you guys.
Ok so we have to call Caito and Jank. We just do. But we're going to do our Spanish by ourselves and that's final!! ^.^