Stop the insanity

Apr 25, 2006 17:31

I really hate it when complete strangers IM me and start rattling off personal stuff like I know anything about them. I've decided to fight back.

babygirlz613: hey you
babygirlz613: people are stupid
coxdebate: oh yeah?
babygirlz613: this guy i was talking ot was seeing this girl she started talking ot me and i told him she was .. he started talking crap about her so i told her , he said he didnt she started telling me that i only said it cause i wanted him
babygirlz613: yuck
babygirlz613: but its all archived in my messanger
babygirlz613: she called me a whore and said i wanted him
babygirlz613: its funny cause shes psycho
coxdebate: she's probably saying the same thing about you
babygirlz613: i was just tring to be the bigger person
coxdebate: You should send the history files to both of them then tell them both if they ever speak to you again you’ll kill their families
babygirlz613: lol
babygirlz613: just started seeing someone so why would i want him ?
coxdebate: oh yeah, so what's up with the new guy?
coxdebate: he anything special
babygirlz613: he did my homework for me
babygirlz613: and he sat with me after i broke up with the last one
coxdebate: that's all?
babygirlz613: we went out a few times
coxdebate: sounds more friendly to me
babygirlz613: hes been divorced he doesnt trust me and i dont trust him so its going slow but hes mine
coxdebate: ohh damaged goods syndrome
coxdebate: gotcha
babygirlz613: lol yeah
coxdebate: Yeah, I avoid that like the plague
babygirlz613: lol
coxdebate: Last thing I want is someone who's all messed up and emotional all the time. I’m more of a fan of a girl that’s quiet and looks good on my arm.
babygirlz613: im more like that then he is so were good
coxdebate: Well then who's going to be the voice of reason in the relationship if you're both all sketchy about each other and don’t have your lives together?
babygirlz613: i dudnno
babygirlz613: weve only dated like 2 weeks not sure i care yet
babygirlz613: not like your gonna come see me
coxdebate: Where are you?
babygirlz613: ohio
coxdebate: I'll be in Ohio in June for 5 days
babygirlz613: near me ?
coxdebate: Cleveland
babygirlz613: like 2 hours frome me
coxdebate: yeah, I'll be in court thursday and friday but sat-monday I should be free
babygirlz613: cool
babygirlz613: maybe we should get together then
coxdebate: sounds like a winner
babygirlz613: cool
coxdebate: I fly out on the 8th
babygirlz613: cool
coxdebate: I should totally be free that weekend unless I dont win the trial
babygirlz613: oh
babygirlz613: then what
coxdebate: then I'm in jail for 6-18 months probably
coxdebate: but I think I'll do fine
babygirlz613: what did you do
coxdebate: Beat the shit out of some kid that splashed mud on my shoes when he rode his bike past. He was in the hospital for a week but he deserved it.
babygirlz613: How old was he
coxdebate: I don’t know, maybe 8 or 9
babygirlz613 has signed out. (4/25/2006 4:06 PM)

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