(no subject)

May 26, 2014 16:27

My eye surgery went well! Everything's still extremely blurry on that side, so reading's still kind of uncomfortable and I wouldn't like to try driving a car yet, but they've assured me it'll get better over the next few days, and should go more or less completely back to normal over the next weeks.

That said, they're completely not kidding when they tell you it'll feel like accidentally being hit in the eye with a branch. Specifically, it feels like that moment after something hits you in the eye when your eyelids clench up and your eye starts streaming and it HURTS LIKE BLAZING HELL. It only feels that way for about 24 hours or so, though, after which it settles down to a severely uncomfortable burning sensation. I'm so excited about getting to do this again for the other eye. (That said, all they'll give you for the pain is a combination of paracetamol and codeine, which really barely even counts as proper pain medication. I might get my GP to prescribe me something a bit more serious next time, because come the fuck on.)

I've been bored out of my mind the past few days, when I wasn't yet supposed to read. I've listened to quite a few eps of Night Vale, which is great, and The Bugle, which is hilarious. Also, as it turns out, The West Wing is the perfect show to watch with your eyes closed. It's all talking heads all the time, no visual action to miss out on, and everyone addresses everyone else by name all the time. Will be catching up with everyone's comments and tumblrs and all that over the next few days, now that I can finally look at a lit-up screen again without my eye trying to claw its way out through the other side of my head.

keratoconus, my life

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