Title: Trust
Pairing: Bruce Banner/Clint Barton
Rating: NC-17
Length: 13.600 words
The Council wants the Hulk monitored 24/7. Fury can't tell them to go fuck themselves, but he can assign the one man the Council trusts even less than Bruce Banner.
Clint's not thrilled to get stuck on babysitting duty, and Bruce would be glad to get rid of his guard, but for now, they're both determined to make the best of a bad situation. Somehow, two guys who didn't expect to have much in common end up learning to trust each other.
Beta'd by
sarren, who's in no way responsible for all the extra errors I probably inserted, trying to edit this thing while sleep-deprived and in final exams panic mode. (ONE WEEK LEFT OH GOD)
Trust Author's note: A few months back, when the Avengers movie came out, I had a truly delightful job in surgery that was simultaneously the most boring and the most physically exhausting and unpleasant thing I've ever done in my life. I got myself through it by spending a lot of time daydreaming about my two favorite characters. This is the resulting fic. Yes, they don't ever even interact on-screen. I have no excuse.