Bourne Legacy is finally coming out in Germany on the 13th! I'm going to go see it with
t_eyla. SO EXCITED. Has there been any good fic yet?
Oh God, I'm so sore right now. OW. I started archery lessons three weeks ago, so I haven't really had time to build up the proper muscles for it yet, plus I had an incredibly ill-timed moment of ambition at the archery shop, so the draw weight on my bow's a bit overly challenging. Both of which I've so far been compensating for with inadvertently shitty form. Today the instructor spent a LOT of time standing behind me, holding my shoulders and forcing me to do everything properly, with my back muscles, which did not approve of these shenanigans at all. And then she laughed at my pain, because she totally warned me not to be an overly ambitious dumbass when I pick a bow to rent, and then I went and did it anyway. OW. /o\
The good thing is, the bit of my back that hurts the most is the part that tends to clench up, pinch a nerve, and make my shoulder go numb and tingly, and I'm really hoping training those muscles will help with that problem.
Depressingly, even apart from the lack of appropriate muscles, I'm just kind of... bad at archery. In the exact same way I've been bad at dancing and most other physical things I've tried in my life. The instructor will tell me to do something, and I'll try my hardest to do the exact thing they tell me to do, and get it wrong over and over in some way I don't understand, until they finally physically guide my body to do the right thing, and i STILL can't tell the difference between the thing they want me to do, and the thing I'm apparently doing wrong. Thankfully, I'm a bit less thin-skinned than I was when I took dancing lessons eight years ago, and so the urge to go home, burst into tears, and quit forever is slightly less these days. I'll just keep trying and hope I'll get it eventually, I guess.
Weirdly enough, I'm pretty good at hitting the bulls-eye despite my shitty form, so at least it's not all unrelenting failure.