Dec 01, 2005 01:19
My icon is now FESTIVE. Woo!
And what else. Ah, I went and dusted off my old RPG Maker project - my friend stumbled on the program a while back and it inspired me to get a copy of it of my own for, um. Well. Recreating a book that I liked in RPG form. (The Tower at Stony Wood, by Patricia McKillip - read it! :D) It's been fun and kind of challenging, because... a lot of the book is about playing with perceptions, so I have to make sure that I keep the same level of weirdness, and I know there's one part that's going to be especially difficult because I'm still not entirely sure what happens there. But if you read it very literally you can at least get a sense of what... actions are taking place, so I should be able to do something with it. Also, it's been challenging because my resources are nessecarily kind of limited. Heh. Oh, hm, there's another scene that's going to need skills of an artist. But maybe I can try to make my sister help out with that...
Anyways, also, I have to decide how much RPG I want to put in. It's going to be short either way, but there is a part or two where I can stick in the sort of gratuitous minor quest-traveling sorts of things you usually find in RPGs, but I don't know if I want to or not. I don't want it to drag or to ruin the book's feel, but at the same time it won't be very game-like if it's basically just a lot of cutscenes. (Also, making all that extra stuff will take a lot more time. :P)
Also also, hm. The book takes place using two different character's viewpoints, and one of the things I wanted to do to kinda mix things up is to make it so you could choose either character. The thing is, one of them gets to do a whole lot less than the other. The stuff he does is important, but yeah - less of it, and less room for filler. I really like the way things will mess with your head even more if you only get to do one or the other, though.
Hmmm... heh. Eventually or later tonight maybe I'll have a YSI link with it so I could get, uh, feedback on the actual game instead of feedback on... my speculation and vague descriptions of the game. :)