Ghosts of the Past - Part 2

Mar 28, 2007 09:01

Okay...I got this from a weird dream I had last night. Knowing me and my muses, this may not turn out like I hope, but here goes! I'm not going to keep you guess for too long on the connection between Ray and mystery woman. My muses, on the other hand, just might. We'll see. :) Hope you like it!

Title: Ghosts of the Past
Author: navy_brat_1972
Rating: T for now...but we'll see what the muses have in store...
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, otherwise…well, we know.
Spoilers: Not that I’m aware of
Content Warning: None…right now…but will update you as there may be.
Summary: Someone from Ray’s past comes to County General. How will her return affect him and Neela?

Dana closed her eyes and Ray frantically ran his knuckles on her ribs. “Dana? Come on, Dana!”

Luka pulled Ray aside. “Let us work on her, Ray.”

“I can't just...”

“Ray.” Abby's voice, though soft, was stern and Ray knew he needed to leave. This case had just gotten complicated for him.

He found his way to the lounge and poured himself a cup of coffee. If something happens to her, how am I going to tell her family? He sat hard on the couch and rested his head in his hands.

“You alright?”

Ray looked up and saw Neela standing in the door. “I'm fine, Neela.” He lied.

“You don't look alright.” She sat next to him.

“How am I supposed to look for someone who just worked a double and gets home, crawls into bed, and no more than five minutes later, gets a phone call to return to work, Neela?” Ray knew his tone was sharp, but he was anxious and tired and scared all wrapped up into one.

“Why'd they call you back in? We don't need you.”

“A patient, Neela.” He stood up and looked out the window at the snow falling. Something caught his eye and he shoved past her getting out, knocking her down on the couch.

Neela looked at the door, unsure of what just happened. She stood up and made her way to the trauma room.


Ray cursed himself for letting the ghosts of his past that he saw get away. Dana was beat up and he knew of only one person that could do that. Him and his brothers, anyhow. He thought as he made his way back to the ER.

He was greeted by Neela, who didn't seem happy he bowled her over to get out. “What the hell happened in there, Ray?” She never really looked up from her chart long enough to see him.

“Sorry. I thought I saw something. Guess I was wrong.” He saw Abby and rushed over to her. “How's Dana?”

Neela looked up when she heard him ask and gave Abby a questioning look. Abby shrugged at her and focused back on Ray. “She's asleep. We were able to stabilize her and...”

“Anyone do a rape kit?” Ray crossed his arms, his lips curled into a pout.

“Yeah.” Abby held the chart close. “There was semen present but we don’t know anything else, Ray.” Abby sensed Ray’s growing anger. “RAY!” She yelled as he angrily stormed off.

“I’ll get him.” Neela followed him. “Ray!”

“I’m going to kill that son of a bitch!”



“Who’s Paulie?” Neela dug her hands into her coat pocket. It was cold outside and she wondered how long Dana had stood out here with very little on.

“Some guy I know.” Ray’s anger was starting to grow. “He used to think that he was Al Capone. He’d go around terrorizing everyone until they were afraid of him. But Dana and me?” He shook his head. “He could never do anything to make us afraid of him. Even when he held a gun right at us.” He looked at Neela, a small smirk on his lips. “You should have seen her, Neela. She flat out challenged him to pull the trigger. They were arguing and she said that he didn’t have enough brass balls to pull it and he did.”

“WHAT?” Neela didn’t know if she should be shocked at the story or the fact that Ray was now doubled over in laughter. “It’s not funny, Ray. You could have been killed.”

Ray looked at her. “Not a chance. Paulie didn’t even load the gun.”

Neela found herself laughing. “You’re kidding?”

Ray shook his head. “Nope. He wanted to scare us.”

“So you know Dana from way back?”

“Yeah. She and I are close. Some of the things we did used to scare our families.” He dug his hands deeper into his pockets and faced the bay doors. “If he was able to get her that bad, he didn’t act alone.”

“You don’t know that, Ray. He could have…”

“Nah. Osama bin Laden wouldn’t be able to hurt Dana that way. She’s a tough shit and doesn’t take shit from anyone. She’d have had Paulie down on the ground so fast that he wouldn’t have known what hit him. That’s how I know he didn’t act alone.” Ray headed back in. “Abby!”

Abby looked up from the computer. “Yeah? What is it, Ray?”

“Can you run multiple tests on the semen sample? See how many attackers there may have been?” Ray leaned on the counter.

Abby shrugged. “I suppose, but there’s really no point, Ray. All it takes is one guy…”

“No. With any other woman, maybe. But not Dana. I can promise you that. I want test done to see how many men raped her.” Ray walked over to where Dana was now resting peaceful. He knew that Paulie and his brothers had to be responsible. As she lay there, softly breathing, Ray wondered what brought Dana and Brecolli brothers to Chicago from New York.
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