Jan 13, 2005 20:56
yes i have decided to become a Buddhist, no iam not kidding you, it just seems right.. he had the right idea.. never stressed about the little stuff, and very peacefull.. i want to be at peace... at the very least with my self.. i nkow you guys think im a nut case but really im not... i just know what i want
I got a new title for me journal.... stolen form a dashboard song though... i guess thats it... im stil sick.. i can eat without wanting to throw up.. i dont know why, ive had a really bad past few weeks... i had a horrible day yesterday, mainly bc i made the extrmely dumb decision to stop going to the leddy center util Murder in the Air is over.. why did i do that... it was the one place where i could feel comfortable... and no i cant just go back bc i cancleled lessons and they cant reschedule me bc someone took over my schedule, which i dont like... no noe else knows how get those kids into shape like i do! why did i have to push away a good thing... why did i have to do that... my mum talked me inot it.. claiming ive been stessed aout finals and school stuff lately, but i havent... school doesnt stress me out.. im not streessed.. im tired... i know that i can pass the finals like nothing.. today in citizens class we had a est that was supposse to take the whoolw block and i got it done in 20 minutes, and i never opened the book once.. this stuff is easy... well i just want this whole entire month to be over with.. stupid new year, most of last year was a whole other lifetime, when i didnt know what real pain was.. ok ill stop im sorry for complaining... hahah no one would really get the leddy center thing cause im such a nerd.. well here my quote
Try to understand there's an old mistake that fools will make
And I'm the king of them, pushing everything that's good away
Wont you hold me now I will not bend I will not break
Wont you hold me now I will not bend I will not break
~ Nikki