I've moved from my old house to the Centralia Apartments. I have a roommate now, and this has been a new experience to me; I've never lived together with someone who is almost a complete stranger. It has certainly been interesting. I've finally been able to settle down in my new room and I started decorating the apartment for Christmas today. Nothing too impressive, of course, just some colorful lights... It would be nice to get a real Christmas tree, but that would probably be expensive. I'm going to buy a plastic one next week. I hope my roommate won't mind.
So it will be Christmas soon. I celebrated this fact with some shopping; I bought presents to all of my friends and a lovely gray-and-white cardigan for myself. It's cold here in the US, especially indoors! I miss the well-heated houses of the Åland Islands...
However, I promised to work for the whole Christmas. I will only have the night of Christmas Eve free, so I better come up with a good way to spend it. I'm not planning to go to parties anywhere, but I suppose it would be nice to just watch movies and enjoy the Christmas spirit at home. I should ask my roommate what plans he has. Maybe we should invite some friends over.