Apr 19, 2004 13:34
In light of tomorrow being "04.20.04," I am going to talk about drugs a little bit. Drugs are, in short, retarded. I hate drugs. Michelle and I were talking about how some people (I won't mention any names) think that that is the way to have "fun." Well, that and getting drunk and fucking random people. People that think this way disgust me to the point of I would like to kill them. I want to scream at people who do drugs and all of that and try to get it through their heads that they are throwing their lives away. But no one listens to me. I am kind of in a good mood since my last update. The reason being was that Michelle was in a good mood after 7/8th, and that put me in a great mood. It was really really good. I love her so much. She affects my mood so much.
I think people should ignore my previous two entries, and the comments in Michelle's journal (oh, wait, I deleted them, thank God ^.^). Converting ASCII to hex to binary and back again is so fucking easy. Fuck-->4675634B-->01000110011101010110001101001011
Okay, even though you people don't know what I did to convert it in my head, just trust me; it's easy. Try it in any online converter if you wish to check its accuracy.
You know what's sad? People only "♥" this Chase guy that died after he is already dead. They should've loved him equally when he was alive. But, noooo, and he'll be forgotten within a month or so, just like the other people that died two months ago to the day that Chase died. See? I can't even remember them....
Hmmmmmm..... I'm thinking about Michelle ^.^ I always think about her. She's so awesome. I'm going over to her house tonight. I want to go over there at 3:00 or so and hang out outside until her parents come home, but that's up to her. She probably won't feel like hanging out outside, so.... Yeah. I like to have sex with small animals.-->
That took awhile to do in my head. But it wasn't that hard. Hmmmm.... Michelle-->
Alright, I'm done for now. I think. If I'm not, you'll know.
I don't have much to say, but there's nothing better to do in here, so I'll continue to type until I have to go, and it's 1:53, so I'll be typing for another 20 minutes or so.
I love Michelle so much. I love her more than anything. I know I talk about her a lot; how can I not? She's everything to me. I feel bad that people keep piling their drama on her, but she knows she doesn't have to listen. But she does. Because she cares. And it's going to kill her one of these days. And then I'll be REALLY sad ='( I don't wanna think about her not being with me or being dead, etc. It makes me really sad just thinking about it. 010100110110110001100101011001010111000000100001 I'm sleepy. Of course, I realize that no one is going to translate what I just wrote. I don't care. Converting ASCII to hex and then to binary is fun to me. I have a Saturday School this coming Saturday for 9 tardies to third period. =/ David Meadows has one, too. That's cool. I guess. I'm bored. And tired. And it's only 1:56, which means I still have 19 minutes in here.
Blah. Sleep.
I love her. I've never loved anyone the same as I love her. I just wanna hold on to her forever. It's really hard to let go. I'm always late to ninth because I can't let her go. And third as well.
whoa.... I just blanked out. And thought about something Michelle has that is flavored.... I don't wanna talk about it. .:[zips lips, locks, and throws away the key]:. Mmmm mmm mmm mmm mm mmmm mmm mm mmmm .:[bolt cuts the lock off]:. Couldn't talk--had a lock on my lips. Ohhh yeah, I'm cool. lol I'm a loser; I need a life. People are talking about smoking weed. Dumbasses. I need mah lover! Blah.... Oh, I discovered that it was not my CD Player that has something wrong with it; it is my headphones, thankfully. I can't get anothe CD Player for cheap, but, however, I can get a pair of decent headphones easily for not much money. It's called the Dollar Store, ladies and gentlemen. lol Someone is listening to Master of Puppets (Metallica) in here. Awesome. And, if you didn't know that was Metallica, you deserve to be shot. In the head. Multiple times. Whoa. I just imagined a Jew getting shot in the back from a movie we watched in World Studies recently. 1:03.
Hmmm.... Spring Break sucked ass. I didn't even get to see Michelle but like twice. It was retarded. I hated it, too, because when she was at Ali's, I needed her a lot, coincidentally. I felt like shit. Her mom said I sounded angry when I called, lol. I wasn't, though. I was just in a really shitty mood. I needed my Michelle to get me out of it, but, instead, Final Fantasy Origins (FF and FFII) helped me a little bit, combined with Static-X.
Oh, yeah. I forgot. I have Static-X's Wisconsin Death Trip. Kinda sucks compared to their new material, but it's still good (namely "I'm With Stupid" and "Push It"). I guess I'm playing Halo with the guys tomorrow at Trevor's. Trevor told me Wednesday, but Billy and Dan said Tuesday. Dan, Billy, and Trevor are going to see The Punisher on Wednesday. I'd like to go, but I'm going to Michelle's, and I also don't wish to spend that much money on a movie. That's basically paying to sit somewhere for two hours. And I hate going to the movies anyway. Unless it's at The Rave. That theater rocks. It feels better than normal theaters. I bet people "flop" more in The Rave, though. It'd be easy.
Hmmm.... I get to see Michelle in 6 minutes (it's 2:09) ^.^
Well, kiddies, I'm gonna go now.
I ♥ Michelle for eternity