just passing the time..

Feb 21, 2010 22:23

I found a pretty good Photoshop CS2 torrent. (I like CS2, when I was in highschool and took a photoshop class, that was the version we used and I've attached some sentimental value to it, because I really enjoyed that class and the people in it). And I was testing it out. number 1 is the original, which I'm pretty sure I got from a deviantart search for "kitten" a few years ago, and in the last edit, 3, I used a texture by schizo, one of my favorite sources, to create the yellow/pink glowies.
The second edit is my favorite, that's what I was really going for, and I mostly played around with the curves, and selected some parts of the kitty and turned them into color-specific blending layers. I wanted the kitten to have really blue eyes, but I didn't get them as blue as I wanted.

I'm really not that great at photoshop, my stuff usually turns out like this.
but, I'm trying to kill time. I'm reading Chrétien de Troyes: Yvain [wiki page, plot summary] for my Development of Western Civilization class, and I have to write a paper on it tonight, which I'm putting off. I'm trying to get myself pumped up to do it, though. (I actually liked the story..)
I even made a sim of the Yvain I see in my head:

and he's pretty easy on the eyes, in my opinion. Yvain was one of King Arthur's knights, who befriended a lion that fought alongside him. He also had the help of this pretty awesome maiden/damsel named Lunete, and saved her from being roasted on a fire for treason against his wife. They're not romanticly involved, though, because the story was written about courtly love and the real conflict is about how to balance being a good knight and being a good lover to one's lady, which in this case is his wife, who is not the most appealing woman in the story but she's "beautiful" and she has a pretty awesome name: Laudine. Just say it out loud.. it's pretty, isn't it? I already made a sim with that name, too:

here's her side profile

Laudine is suggested as a blond in the story, but I didn't really make the sim for her, the sim was one I already had in my sim bin when I made Yvain, and I don't like to make my sims live alone.

I also have a LOT of pictures of the Pertulles
have a random sample:

They're one of the best families I've ever played, there's so much to take pictures of! I'm not sure if I should post them, though, as it's not a legacy or anything, it's just me playing. But I think I'll post them anyway, as friends only maybe, because there's quite a lot of pictures. Are you interested?

I also made some custom photoshop actions so that I can edit my screenshots with one click. I even have some extra actions for brightening pictures and such. I can't seem to install pooklet's or aelia's actions, but I think I have an idea why.

ANYWHO, I hope you guys all had a nice weekend! And I'll be getting to making creations soon, I'm just having so much fun playing.
Thanks for reading! :D


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